Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Joining the Stand Read-A-Long

I always have the best intentions when it comes to blog challenges, but since I'm still something of a newbie I tend to fall off cart before the horse leaves the stable... if that makes any sense.  But then I saw a twitter from Tif Talks Books about The Stand, and followed it to her blog where she's hosting a read-a-long for one of my all time favorite Stephen King books!  So, better late than never, I've decided to give this one a go. I'm a little behind, but here's my first post:

  1. Will this be your first read of The Stand by Stephen King or a re-read?  If you are choosing not to read  this book, why?  Does just the word King make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up?  :) No, I've read The Stand several times, but not in recent years.  
  2. If this is a re-read, what has drawn you back to the book for a second (or more) time? The Stand is probably one of my all time favorite Stephen King novels, although I have several, and it's a book I can always curl up with on a dark and windy night.  The uncut version is just a work of art!
  3. Whether you know the story or not, which location would you prefer if you were a survivor of a gruesome plague:  Boulder, Colorado or Las Vegas, Nevada? I am a Mother Abigail girl all the way!  Plus I will always take cold over hot. 

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1 comment:

  1. So good to have you join in!! I'm glad to have another King fan, particularly of The Stand!! Can't wait to hear your thoughts along the way! :)


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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