Friday, May 14, 2010

Hopping thru Friday

It's time to Hop again!  Check out Crazy For Books Blog Hop to join in the fun!

I missed out the last few weeks, but I'm feeling kind of hoppy today and my Google Reader just isn't daunting enough now (<---- that's an example of sarcasm, kiddos).   It's hard for me not to want to follow every book blog I stumble, or hop, across.  Why fight it?  Thanks to Google Reader I can scroll easily enough thru posts I know I'm not interested in (perhaps because you're reviewing a book on the role cheese has played in naval history or something along those lines) and read the ones I'm curious about with ease.  So even though some days my Google Reader count makes me cry a little, it's worth it to browse through all your great blogs!  I tend to follow when I hop because I hate the thought of missing out on a good book recommendation.

So here's where I've hopped to today (will be updating all day):

Lady Scribble's Book Lounge - how could I resist the blog title?  I have a weakness for good blog names.  Lady Scribble's reviews mysteries, YA, and Classics.

Tina Says - Another fan of mysteries and YA!

A Bibliophile's Paradise -Heather's and Eric lover from the Sookie series.  I don't need any other reason that that to follow her, I'm sold!  (That's right, bloggers- love a character I love and my affections can be bought just that cheaply.  Love Odd Thomas? I'm a follower for life, have a crush on Eric Northman or Mr. Darcy?  It's just that easy!)


I went to take my dog for a walk despite the nasty, hot, muggy weather we're having here in Virginia today, and what was leaning up against my door ever so fetchingly?  My first ever ARC!!! And wait, there's more!  That's right, it's an ARC by an author I already absolutely love/stalk- MEG CABOT!!!  I'm still a bit giddy and light headed. I thought maybe someday I would get an honest to goodness ARC thru the mail (I recently joined Net Galley which has free online ARC's too, but this is beyond belief).  So stay tuned for a review of Meg Cabot's Insatiable .

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  1. Hi Kate! Decided to hop around the blogosphere today as my Google Reader numbers are too scary to deal with right now. *L*

    Happy Hopping!

  2. Hi; I'm here from the Hop! I like your blog!

  3. Justing hopping by!

    I added a link to your blog on mine.


  4. I missed last week's for almost the same reason--was afraid to add to my google reader. I just couldn't stay away this week.

  5. Stopped by on Blogger hop, you have a blog.

  6. Congrats on your first ARC!! Enjoy the book, I can't wait to read your review on it.

  7. Hi, just stopping by on the hop. Lovely blog. I'll take a look around and see what you've been up to.

  8. Just hopping by to say hello! I am a new follower. And I love Eric too.

  9. Thanks for all the hops! I plan in visiting all of your websites this week, but I was just a bit too busy this past weekend with work and I'm going out of town tonight, so it might be Friday before I get all caught up. Thanks for all the new follows too!!!

  10. hopping by - love your blog - I'm a follower now!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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