Monday, May 23, 2011

Armchair BEA Kick Off Post!

My name is Kate, and normally I Armchair sitting down.

Besides Kate, I also answer to Katie, Keeks, Kirby, and of course, Midnight Book Girl.

I've been blogging for about 2 years, but it's really been this past year that my site has taken off and become a priority in my life.

I started blogging in order to participate in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon, sadly though it was after Dewey passed. I named my blog Midnight Book Girl because of the book The Midnight Club by Christopher Pike- my favorite YA horror author ever.

I read a lot, and I have a job as a home health care nurse assistant/companion caregiver that allows me to read quite a bit. I feel really blessed to have a job that I love... and one that lets me read!

I don't have a particular genre I read, I like mysteries, thrillers, horror, and I do read a lot of YA. I can't believe that before I started a blog that I sometimes felt like there was nothing to read that I hadn't already read- now my tbr pile is overflowing and it's hard to pick what to read next!

I read books in any form, but I will admit to being a happy Kindle owner, and more recently a Nook owner. Someone once made the point that as long as people are reading, it shouldn't matter in what format. 

I normally carry a tote bag filled with my e-readers and a few paperback/hardbacks. One of my greatest dislikes/fears is to be stuck somewhere with nothing to read. I also carry around the chargers for my e-readers.

I own a LOT of books. I have several book cases that are arranged just by color. I'm a fairly disorganized person, so my other bookshelves are kind of haphazardly shelved. And I feel bad about that.

I almost flunked first grade because I couldn't learn to read. It turns out I had dyslexia. I'm super grateful to my book loving parents, they had me tested at George Mason University, discovered my learning disability and found me a tutor. By the time I started second grade I was reading on a 5th grade level- thanks Mrs. A! 

Once I finally got started reading, I never stopped! I read while sitting, I read while eating, I read while exercising, waiting in lines, getting a pedicure, and yes, I read in the bathroom. 

Okay, that's enough with the "I" and "Me"'s! How about you?
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  1. I am a new follower to your blog and love that you organized your books my color. I love seeing that. Right now my books are all jammed on bookcases in no order.

    Nice to meet you.

  2. Like you, I had a really tough time learning to read - but once I figured it out, I was definitely hooked!

  3. I want to organize my books by color but then it will split up series...I'm a little OCD I think that will freak me out.

  4. Cindy- it really does look good, but there are some covers/binding that refuses color coordination! Thanks for the follow!

    Geekyreads- it definitely makes me appreciate reading more!

    Jenny- oh, how I wish I could be a little more OCD when it comes to organization!

  5. Hi Kate, nice to see you at Armchair BEA! I too never leave the house without a book...and I take it with me to the bathroom too! Every spare moment, right?

    How awesome that you were able to overcome dyslexia. That is truly inspiring!

  6. Welcome to Armchair BEA! What an example you are for being a book lover with dyslexia. That's really great.

  7. returning stalker--by the way, perfect timing for debuting your new design (which is fantastic!!!)

    Every time I read one of your posts--I see something that's OMG--I LOVE that too!!!--I *SO* LOVE Christopher Pike!!!! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!--And love the blog title origin!!! :D


  8. Kate I love that you have a picture with a margarita!

    Love that you were slow to start reading but that once you started couldn't stop you.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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