Monday, August 29, 2011

Night of the Living Deed and Goodnight, Irene!

Now that Hurricane Irene has moved on, the weather here is sunny and bright and it's almost hard to believe that just a few days ago we had tons of rain and damaging wind.  Of course, Irene left a few reminders of her little trip through Virginia.  Here's what she left at my apartment complex (although, not my particular apartment, thank God!):

Pretty amazing, huh?  Despite being a category 1, Irene packed quite a punch.  It's sad to see all the trees that she brought down in her wrath. 

We did lose power Saturday night a little before 8pm but were lucky enough to get it back by early morning Sunday.  Fortunately us readers do not fear power outages!  As long as we have some way to illuminate our current read than a little loss of electricity doesn't phase us much.  So I grabbed a flashlight and finished the book I was reading.

(this picture was taking the day before, when the sun was shining and Irene was still a few states away)

Night of the Living Deed
by E. J. Copperman
From Goodreads:
Newly divorced Alison Kerby wants a second chance for herself and her nine-year-old daughter. She's returned to her hometown on the Jersey Shore to transform a Victorian fixer-upper into a charming-and profitable-guest house. One small problem: the house is haunted, and the two ghosts insist Alison must find out who killed them

Night of the Living Deed was a fantastic cozy mystery read.  It's the first in a series, which I definitely plan on continuing to read.  It takes place on the Jersey Shore but I assure you there is zero mention of any Snooki type character.  I found Copperman's style very easy to read, and very funny, it was everything I've come to expect from a cozy.   Here's some quotes:
The woman could probably watch Old Yeller and not tear up.

Living with a nine year old can be like living with a combination of an investigative reporter and a district attorney.  There's always a question and you're usually under suspicion.

Yes, I was going to inflict guilt if possible.  I'm a mother.  It's not so much part of the job as a perk.

Night of the Living Deed gets a Midnight Book Rating of:

Currently I'm reading A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard and Shadowfires by Dean Koontz.

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  1. Wow, I'm glad that wasn't YOUR apartment. I don't envy you east coasters.

  2. Those pictures are insane Kate!

    I really liked the quotes you added from your book! It sounds really cute. I'll have to add it to my reading list!

  3. I'm glad you didn't have more damage. We luckily didn't lose power, but we did get some flooding. I had flashlights ready for some dark reading though. I love, love, love ghost stories, so I'm going to put this on my TBR list. Maybe I'll look for it at Borders!

  4. Nice looking blog!

    I'm glad nothing happened to your place, but if that was a 1 I don't want to know what anything higher would do. Scary.

    Keep up the good work!

  5. So glad you weathered the storm, book in one hand flashlight in the other. It would take more than a measley hurricane to keep Midnight Book Girl from her TBR pile!!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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