Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14: Top Ten Books That Broke Your Heart A Little

The Broke and the Bookish host Top Ten Tuesdays and in honor of Anti-Valentine's Day, we're suppose to pick the books that left us heartbroken, so here's mine: 

February 14: Top Ten Books That Broke Your Heart A Little 

The Broke and the Bookish host Top Ten Tuesdays and in honor of Anti-Valentine's Day, we're suppose to pick the books that left us heartbroken, so here's mine:

Kate's broke-my-heart book montage

Little Women
Odd Thomas
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
One Day
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
A Game of Thrones
The Green Mile

Kate's favorite books »


1. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott- I think Jo not ending up with Laurie was my first real book heartbreak.  It still bothers me to this day (although having Gabriel Byrne play the Professor she does marry in the Winona Ryder movie version helped a little). And Beth's death was sad too, not just Jo and Laurie not getting married.

2. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling- Just like Obi-Wan had to die for Luke to become a better Jedi, I guess Dumbledore had to die so that Harry would be able to defeat Voldemort. But it still sucks.

3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling- Okay, I was prepared for the death of my favorite characters, but to start of with Hedwig and to take Fred too?  What the heck, J.K.?!  I was willing to give up Tonks and Remus because at least they went together, but I'll always be shocked and heartbroken over Fred.  Why not Percy?  He was such a wanker!

4.  Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz- The end of this novel slays me, but I still love it.  I listened to this on audio and had to pull over on the side of the road because I was crying so hard.

5.  Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin- do not, I repeat, do not get attached to the characters in this series!

6.  The Green Mile by Stephen King- I think this book lead to my first sinus infection because I cried so much.  I was a walking ad for Visine and Kleenex for a week after reading this book.   

7.  The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis- the scene with Aslan going to the stone table to sacrifice himself still makes me weep, a dozen or more re-reads later.   

8.  One Day by David Nicholls- the end stabbed me through the heart, literally.  I still haven't been able to watch the movie.

9.  Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins- I was really, really, really, super unprepared for the death of a particular character.  

10.  Chances by Jackie Collins- Okay, I know this is a weird pick for me, but back when I was a teen I read Jackie Collins instead of doing drugs or getting STDs.  When Lucky loses her mom, and then years later Marco, it broke my heart.  So yeah, there was lots of sex, violence and glorification of sex and mob violence, but it tugged a bit at the heartstrings.  Maybe I should read a Nicholas Sparks novel... 

I'm sure there will a dozen more books that I'll end up wishing I'd added to the list once I look at everyone else's link!
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  1. Percy was a wanker but there was no way she was going to kill him because he redeemed himself. I felt like a part of my family died in that book.

    I have a copy of One Day somewhere. I'm not really sure what happened to it. I had started it but couldn't find the book to finish it.

  2. I forgot all about The Green Mile!! Also The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!! That part was so sad...Here is my Top Ten

  3. Arrrggghhh.. another "I can't believe I forgot" moment... Odd Thomas. I love the rest of the series, but ...oh, it was so sad!!

    I agree with you on Aslan and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe... there are touching moments through the rest of the Chronicles as well.

  4. I forgot about the death of that particular character in Mocking Jay!!! That is, of course, assuming we are thinking of the same character! The character I'm thinking of though, that death was so horrific that I must have blocked it out until now!

  5. some really good choices here I forgot to list myself.

    Yara @ Once Upon a Twilight.com

  6. YEp HP and Mockingjay are on my list too :'(


  7. Harry Potter is (of course) on my list as well!:) And The Green Mile really is a heartbreaker, such a beautiful, tragic story..

  8. OMG I totally forgot to add Odd Thomas to my list. My boyfriend walked in on me as I was crying my eyes out. He thought I was having a nervous breakdown or something. Great list!

  9. Re: A Game of Thrones (and the rest in the series) - I wholeheartedly agree!

  10. I've been thinking of reading Game of Thrones cause I love fantasy but I think with a good fantasy comes lots of heartbreak as well. Adult fantasy anyway. I still haven't read all the HP books (3 to go) but I know I'm going to do lots more crying when I do read the rest. This is a great list!

  11. I totally agree with Odd Thomas and The Green Mile. Sobfest indeed.

  12. I completely agree!! I couldn't believe Finnick died!! My heart broke in that moment!! And Prim? God, I was a mess from how long I cried in this book! Awesome list! ;)

  13. You're right about Gabriel Byrne easing that blow!

    I haven't read One Day but have been curious about it, especially with the movie that's come out. I'll have to see if I can find this in my library.

    Great list. Happy reading!

  14. I want to read One Day but I heard it wasn't that great. I am going to add it to my TBR pile after reading your blurb! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Great list, Kate!
    I haven't read all of the books on your list, but I loved the books on there that I have read (minus One Day, I wasn't all that taken on that - probably because it was such a heartbreaker!)

    Stephanie @ Stepping Out of the Page


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