Friday, March 2, 2012

The Selection (Perfection!) Review

The Selection
by Kiera Cass
Expected Publication: 04.24.12
From Goodreads:
For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in the palace and compete for the heart of the gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself- and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.

My Thoughts: America, or "Mer", has an over-reaching Mrs. Bennet type of mom, so when it comes time for The Selection- the event where the Prince will pick a bride from among the "commoners", she is quick to push her daughter to enter.  Mer is reluctant, she's happy with her life, and in love with even poorer Aspen.  But when he asks her to enter, and her mom pretty much bribes her, she gives in.  After all, what are the chances she'll even get selected?

Well, since this is a YA novel, chances are excellent.

There's a scene in Pride and Prejudice, after Jane gets engaged to Mr. Bingley, where Mrs. Bennet says,
I was sure you could not be so beautiful for nothing!
And there's a similar scene in The Selection with America's mom.  She is very caste conscious, and although she loves her daughter, it's clear that she wants more for her than the life they're leading. And of course, Mer's dad is sweet and Mr. Bennet like too.  I loved the similarities, because there's a reason Pride and Prejudice has such a hold on our hearts (and if it doesn't hold a place in your heart I can only assume it's because you don't have one).

Okay, in the past I have blogged about my love for Boy A is YA books.  And I know I'm supposed to root for the poor but hot guy, but just once I'd like to see the hot but rich guy get the girl!  I wasn't particularly happy with America's treatment of Maxon at their first meeting.  Love isn't all about instant attraction, sometimes it's quiet and sneaks up on you.  Sometimes a rich prince needs a spunky commoner.  But like the country of my birth, sometimes America is just a little too much about herself.  By halfway through the book I was asking, Aspen who?  Prince Maxon completely had my heart by the time he made his first bet with Mer.

Confession time- I watched several seasons of the Bachelor.  My friend Ame and I used to work together and she got me to watch. We loved to watch the first show and rate the dresses  We would bet on which girls would make it to the next round and which ones would be sent home. I read The Selection with that same mindset, wondering which girls would go home first.  And just like the tv show, so often the wenchy manipulative girls were able to lay the charm on for the bachelor, or in this case Prince Maxon.  Frustrating?  For sure!  Entertaining?  Hells, yeah!

I'm afraid, unlike America, I would be as giggly and swoony as the other girls.  I realize that spunk and independence make for more admirable traits in YA heroines than nice and boring girls, unless like me they too have interests in serial killers and zombies.  Of course, I would not make it past the first round of The Selection.

I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this book.  It was full of pretty dresses and romance, in fact take away the dystopian setting and armed rebel attacks, and this book would make an wonderful romance novel.  But I personally like my romance with random attacks from the enemy.  I can't wait for the next book, to uncover Marlee's secret (although I'm pretty positive I know what she's hiding), to see if Aspen will just go away, to find out exactly what the rebels are attacking for, and to see if America will see what I already see in Maxon!

The Selection gets a Midnight Book Rating of:

The cover gets a Midnight Book Rating of:

Love it, the dress, the way you can't see her face, the different angles, the red hair... it's perfect!

 Disclaimer: I received a copy of this arc through Around the World Arc Tours in exchange for my honest opinion.
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  1. No need to steal my BEA countdown, I will give it to you! I'll send it to you on fb. Thanks for bringing to my attention that I didn't even put down the book I was talking about. Embarassing.

    I am totally down with your book blog idea thing. Sounds like fun.

    And this book looks really good. I can't wait to read it. :)

  2. I totally want to read this one!!!!! They are casting the tv show pilot (I think they just finished actually). It looks so awesome!

  3. I'm glad to hear that you like this one! I've been wanting to read it for a while, and then all the hoopla happened and I wasn't so sure if I wanted to read it, but I think I'll still give it a shot! Great review, Kate!

  4. I don't want to know what "hoopla" Andrea is referring to because this book sounds AWESOME!!! I really want to read it now too! I loved that your entire review was all about the love triangle and then you just through in that there were armed rebel attacks! I can't wait to read this one now!

    P.S. Love the cover!

    P.P.S. CONGRATULATIONS on getting 400 followers!!! That is amazing!

  5. I'm glad you liked this one... Ive read multiple 'meh' reviews about this book and needed to find some people who actually enjoyed it to get me excited about it again :)


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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