Friday, February 22, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday: Giving It Away

It's a little late, but I can't resist the gorgeous new button for Feature and Follow, hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  This week's question is:

We always talk about books that WE want. Let’s turn it on its head. What books have you given other people lately?

Hmm, I gave away Ready Player One to my brothers, because they actually remember the 80's quite well.  And then I bought a couple of Harry Potter books for Kim- one with the adult British cover and another in Spanish, but that was way back in Christmas.  I also gave her several of my Meg Cabot chick lit books recently, and a bunch of books to some of the ladies in my book club since I've been culling my shelves in preparation for all the books I'll be getting at BEA.  I also plan on getting Courtney the new Maureen Johnson book when we go down to the book signing in early March, because she's being so freaking good about her planned book buying yearly budget and I already pre-ordered my own signed copy. And I pre-ordered The Trouble With Flirting so that I can share it with my blogger bffs (which will entail a new feature I'm cooking up on here called Book STD).  

What about you?

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  1. New Follower! Stop by mine too


  2. Thank you so much for stopping by. Great picks for your answer. Also, your blogger header is the cutest thing ever. Followed you back, have a lovely weekend. :)

  3. Looks like you are way more generous than me. I lend books to people but rarely buy them.

  4. new GFC follower :)

    See my FFF at >>> <<<

  5. Ready Player One! Love it! Also, I'm psyched for book club and Courtney's visit!

  6. Hmm, I bet reading Harry Potter in Spanish would be a great way to brush up on my espanol.

    New Linky follower.

    My FF


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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