Monday, May 21, 2012

Bout of Books Readathon

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

Yes, I have signed up for another week long Readathon!  Mostly because there's several books I want to read prior to BEA.  This will be both my starting post and my update page, and once the readathon starts, I'll make this a sticky post.  Please join me, just click on the picture above or right here.  I've never done a Bout of Books Readathon before, so I'm excited to meet some new bloggers!

My Goals

Read some TBR books that I really need to get to!
Catch up on a fraction of reviews that I need to write.
Schedule posts for when I'm in New York.

Books To Read

The Chaperone (for review)

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (for book club on the 19th)
Insurgent (finish)

The Fault in Our Stars
Deadly Cool
Finish Envy (Empty Coffins #1) since it got pushed aside for the Veronica Roth series 
Finish A Storm of Swords *at least get to 60% on my Kindle!
Listen to the audio of I Hunt Killers


5.14.12 Bookish Questions from Sarah Says Read
“What do you like best about readathons? Do you have any readathon traditions or rituals? If this is your first readathon, what do you like so far? Discuss away!”
 5.16.12 Re-Title It Challenge from Books Devoured.

Old Title: Dirty Little Secrets

New Title: Window Peeper


Okay, what I like most about participating in Readathons is the sense of community.  Reading is normally such a solitary hobby, but during Readathons I end up connecting with other readers through blogs or Twitter and I love that.  I don't know that I have any rituals per se, other than for Dewey's Readathon where I spend a long time finding the perfect books for my reading stack.  But that's mostly because Dewey's is a 24 hour Readathon, so I need books that can keep me awake and reading.  Week long Readathons are a bit more relaxed, so I can read books I need to get to or want to get to for a specific goal- in this case a review book, a book club book and some books I want to read for BEA.  This is my first Bout of Books Readathon, but I assure you it won't be my last!  I love that Readathons really push me to use my spare time reading, instead of vegging out in front of the tv or playing on the computer. I even have plans to possibly host my own Readathon this summer... we'll see!

Today's challenge is hosted by The Reading Housewives of Indiana!
The challenge today was to pick out some shoes that either match a book cover, or that a character from the book would wear.  I chose 2 books:

I've had Night Circus on the brain lately.  Partly because it's been a long time since I've loved a book the way I love The Night Circus and a recent re-read only strengthened my love for it.  Honestly, my plan to not look like a tourist in New York when I go to BEA is to dress up like I'm going to the Night Circus.

So for Celia:

And then I wanted to do something kind of Steampunkish, but I don't read that much Steampunk.  But then I remembered Soulless- which I love a million red m&m's, and found the perfect boots for the well dressed, and flamboyant vampire, Lord Akeldama:


Number of books I’ve read today: Almost finished The Chaperone and listened to a little over an hour of I Hunt Killers audio.
Total number of books I’ve read: 0
Books: The Chaperone and I Hunt Killers
Pages:  259 pages of the Chaperone, 1hr 10 mins of I Hunt Killers.

Number of books I’ve read today: 2 and started Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Total number of books I’ve read: 2
Books: Finished The Chaperone, read all of Deadly Cool, started Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Pages: 59 pages of The Chaperone, 303 pages of Deadly Cool, 15 pages of Abraham Lincoln, and 1 hour of I Hunt Killers.

Number of books I’ve read today:4
Total number of books I’ve read: Finished 2, read 1 in full.
Books: Finished Envy, listened to more of I Hunt Killers, and continued reading Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter... and Fifty Shades Freed (hey, no judging!)

Pages: 118 if Envy, 87 pages of Abraham Lincoln, an hour of I Hunt Killers and about 14%  of Fifty Shades Freed (seriously, stop judging! The books were a gift from the Hubs, it would be rude not to read them!)

Number of books I’ve read today: Read from 2, none finished.
Total number of books I’ve read: Finished 2, read 1 in full.
Books: Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter and I Hunt Killers.
Pages: 223 pages in Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter, an hour of I Hunt Killers on audio.

Number of books I’ve read today: Read from 3, Finished 1.
Total number of books I’ve read: Finished 2, read 2 in full
Books: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Insurgent and I Hunt Killers on audio.

Number of books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:

Number of books I've read today:
Total number of books I've read:
Pin It!


  1. I am very proud of you for taking your chances on yet another readathon. I'm not sure yet if I will join you, it is very tempting, but if I did I would probably end up just trying to finish all of the books I put on my "currently reading" list on goodreads for Dewey's readathon, and yet still haven't gotten to.

  2. I have so much reading to do! Seriously. I may join you. And I feel like I should know this, but... what is a sticky post?

  3. We're so glad you joined us at Bout of Books!
    Good luck with your goals!

  4. Deadly Cool is such a good book! Best of luck with your goals and happy reading. :)

  5. Awesome, I need to read the Abraham Lincoln one! Good luck reading, and glad you decided to join in!

  6. Go girl go!

    I am still super jelly of your BEA trip :)

  7. Yay! Glad you decided to join in on the fun ;) I've looked at Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter a couple of times, but haven't really checked it out... I think I just like the title. LOL! Matched and The Fault of Our Stars are both books that I would like to read too. Good luck and have fun!

  8. I feel like I should do this, but after my last two unsuccessful readathon attempts I'm thinking I should pass. But maybe the third times a charm? But then again I know I won't have a ton of time to read. It's too bad it doesn't start this weekend cause that's what I planned on doing Saturday. Decisions, decisions. Good luck!

  9. I'm participating too. Good luck! :)

    I can't wait to see what you think about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. It's on my TBR/Wishlist.

  10. Deadly Cool's cover is so beautiful! And The Fault in Our Stars sounds AMAZING!! Also, i love your banner and layout =D


  11. good luck!

    few books there I've been wanting to read!!

  12. Such great choices! I really loved Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter (have you seen the trailer for the movie? It looks hilariously awesome) and I think The Fault In Our Stars is one of my all-time favorite books. So good! Good luck! :)

  13. The Fault in Our Stars!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I hope you fall in love with it! ...and good luck of course!

  14. love your booklist. They are all in my tbr atm. Enjoy your reads and good luck!

    When She Reads

  15. Ohh good list - I have Abraham Lincoln on my list too. I enjoyed Matched!! :)

    Good luck on your goals!

  16. I just finished Abraham Lincoln, Vampire hunter last week! It was really good. I hope you like it.

  17. I've been wanting to read Matched. I hope you enjoy. Great goals !

    Jess, Books and Sensibility

  18. Just stopping by to say hi and to say, "Yup, I'm in too!" LOL Great list there! I'm going to read Abraham Lincoln: VH in early June before the movie comes out...hopefully. I'm catching up on Clash of Kings. I saw that you're going to be reading a Song of Ice and Fire book too. Well, hope you accomplish your goals this week. =O) Have fun!

  19. A weeklong readathon?! My goodness that sounds awesome. The Fault in Our Stars is a good one that shouldn't take you too terribly long to read. Have fun!! My favorite thing about readathons is definitely the community as well.

  20. I have a few of those on my TBR list and I've read Insurgent, which was AMAZING.. can't wait to see what you think! Good luck!! :D

  21. This is my first Bout of Books also. I'm enjoying meeting other readers :)

    Here are my goals:


  22. I wish I could participate in this readathon but I knew this week would be pretty hectic for me. Good luck! It looks like you're doing awesome so far!!!

  23. Those Soulless shoes are fantastic!! I did steampunk too:

    Books and Shoes

  24. I've been thinking of Night Circus lately too. How odd. I really want those Night Circus boots!

  25. Those Night Circus boots!!!! And those Soulless boots! Love both of your picks!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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