Thursday, April 25, 2013

Feature and Follow: Jem!

Feature and Follow time!  Hosted by the lovely Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  Now it's question time!

Q:  Is there a song that reminds you of a book? Or vice versa? What is the song & the book?

I should write this shiz down, because sometimes I'll be listening to the perfect song that reminds me of what I'm reading and I'm like yes!  But then I forget all about it. That makes me a sad panda.

 Lucky for this week's question I'm reading Unbreakable (Unraveling #2) by Elizabeth Norris.  The book is very action packed, like a awesome YA mix of X-Files and 24.  Every chapter begins with a countdown of time left for the main heroine to stop major bad shiz from happening so the song that immediately pops in mind is 24 by Jem:

And of course, because of all the X-files love, David Duchovny by Bree Sharp:

 Ignore the fact that Jerry Springer is in the pic, this is a MUST listen song to anyone that's ever dug Mulder and those of us that can't always (or won't) separate an actor from a role they play (Alexander Skarsgard, or should I say, Eric Northman, I'm looking at you).
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  1. I love the songs! Never read the book though. New follower, check out my FF at

    1. Thanks, Dabin! I'll stop by your blog and give you a follow! ;)

  2. Hey, I agree I should start writing down the songs that remind me of books to lol. I'm a new GFC follower. My blog is

    1. Normally I don't post videos on my blog because I could never figure it out, but I finally figured it out, so maybe I'll be better about linking songs to books in the future! Off to visit your blog!

  3. Oh man, Unbreakable is TOTALLY action-packed - and that is a perfect song for it, too. Love it!!

    My F&F

    1. I white-knuckled the prison break, it was that intense! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I was expecting Gem and the Halograms. That is the kind of content I have come to expect from you. I was sorely disappointed when it was a serious song. ;)

    And this happens to me ALL THE TIME!

    1. I would NEVER misspell Gem's name!! Man, I still wish I kept that Gem cassette tape, that and Barbie and the Rockers. You just don't realize when you're a kid the stuff that's going to make you smile when you're in the old age home eating soft foods and playing endless games of dollar bingo. Sigh.

  5. Hopping through. I want to read Unbreakable. I liked the first book.
    My Hop

    1. Alison, I can honestly say I'm liking Unbreakable more than Unraveling. It's so nice when book 2 doesn't screw up a series!!

  6. There is a Coldplay song that always reminds me of the book the Host. I want to say it is Shiver...hold on I'll look up the lyrics...nope that's not it...hold on...maybe it was Spies!!! Spies reminds me of the Host!

    1. That is a perfect song for The Host!!! Of course, I would expect you'd find the right Coldplay or U2 song for every books!

  7. I really need to read those books. I now have both of them, and haven't read either. I enjoyed the songs though. Thanks for visiting my F&FF. new follower.

    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you get to the books soon, but I'm sure your TBR pile is just as overwhelming as mine!

  8. Ha ha! I know what you mean about writing this stuff down. I sure do need to do that too. I couldn't come up with a single song for my post.

    My FF & BBH Post

    1. It's hard, Jenni! I'd have probably had to make something up completely (I am totally not above making up my F&F answers) if I hadn't been reading Unbreakable- which references both 24 and X-Files, so really, Elizabeth Norris did my job for me! ;)

  9. I've only recently started listening to songs while reading. Before, I got distracted.

    Here's my FF:

    I like your blog design btw :)

  10. Hey there I'm following you

    Here's my FF:

  11. Oh sorry I forgot to say where I'm following you at GFC & Google+

  12. Thanks for stopping my mine & following. I came up with the midnight name because I'm such a night owl, and now even more because I have a 3 1/2 month old & she doesn't like to sleep at night either.

  13. Don't nodding know the song but I'm loving the new music I'm discovering through this hop!

    New follower here. Have followed you through all your networks and twitter, FB etc.

    Linsey @


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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