Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ra-Ra-Readathon Update #1

It's time to update and the time has been flying by!!  It's hard to believe that Readathon, or Readathong as my fingers KEEP insisting on typing, it already 2 hours old.  But there you have it.  I'll be updating every once in awhile, but not every hour.  So here's what's been going on:
So far I've read:
Bunnicula Strikes Again (audio) by James Howe

Right now I'm reading:
In My Dreams (audio) by Sarah Addison Allen
Challenges done so far:
Challenge 1 : Introduction
Challenge 2: Book Spine Poetry
Challenge 3: Book Appetit!
Challenge 4: Re-title Your Current Read 
Challenge 5: Self-Portrait 

What I've eaten:
Why say it when I can show it?  
Also, some Oikos Greek yogurt- Fruit on the Bottom, Black Cherry because I have to at least make an attempt to hold off on all the chocolate.  Right?

A running tally:
I kind of forgot to do this in the beginning, so several early blogs are missing.  My bad.
Two Canadian Bloggers- Confirming that Canadians are indeed magical! ;) 
Midnyte Reader- my NY angel!  Or devil, it remains to be seen. ;)
Geeky Bloggers Book Blog- Reading for charity!  Go leave a comment!
The Bookish Outsider- adorableness!
Scruffed Slippers and Wormy Books- Book Spine Poetry!!!
Book Journey: Made me want to snack!

For your viewing pleasure: 
 My Harry Potter Tattoo (I have it on both toes)
Alexander Skarsgard, showering.  Or Eric Northman, because why bother to pretend he's a mere mortal.

And I won a prize!!!!  I picked Yelena's Black Dance of Shadows because that is a book cover that must live on my shelves!!

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  1. It sounds like your read-a-thon is going well so far! Congrats on winning a prize! Your snacks sound (and look) yummy! Happy Reading!


  2. I couldn't resist the "Alexander Skarsgard showering" when it popped up on twitter. It looks like the readathon is going well for you and congratulations on winning a prize. Good luck and happy reading! :D

  3. I want Alexander Skarsgard in my snacks for the day. I should not have visited your blog this early to see that! Because now I want to go watch True Blood. Or read those books (even though I don't like the books). Gah! Also, thank you. : ) Happy Reading!

    1. Of course. The book I'm reading. MC is named Aleksander. So, naturally, I'm imagining Eric. Definitely NOT the intended imagery!

  4. Congrats on winning the prize! Looks like you're having fun with the readathon so far... and try not to get distracted too much by Eric in the shower ;-)

  5. Woot! GO GIRL! THanks for Alex :) *sigh* Must go back to reading but Alex!

  6. Congrats on a prize already! You've got such a strong start to the read-a-thon. Keep it up!

  7. Happy Reading from me to you,
    Keep it up, another page or two.
    [Team Otter]

  8. So excited to find another Alex fan!!

  9. First I LOVE your mug!!
    Second, Dance of Shadows has one of the most gorgeous covers EVER and is it wrong to want to buy the book just for the cover...I think not!
    Keep up the great work with the read-a-thon, I'm participating for the first year!
    OOOOH Eric, I want to do bad things to you. haha. Love him.

  10. I'm loving the font on your headings by the way! Is that new?


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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