Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Into Horror Readathon Starting Post!

Obviously I just can't get enough of Readathons!  The Spring Into Horror Read-a-Thon is being hosted over at Castle Macabre, so stop there to read about the event. This is one I feel good about making some progress with (I participated in 22 out of the 24 hours of Dewey's Readathon, but didn't get much reading done!) and maybe I can make a nice dent in my TBR shelf too!

And this is Readathon that is practically custom made for this Midnight Book Girl!  An entire week of Readathon, complete with some challenges and prizes, and every participant has to read at least one "scary" book. 

I've already started reading today (after sleeping the majority of yesterday away like some fairy tale character).  I finished a book that I had started for Readathon on Saturday but then put aside because it just wasn't holding my interest.  Here's what I read:

Meet Your Match, Cupid Delaney by Ellen Leroe

Quick Mini Review: This is a sequel to a much beloved book from my childhood, Have a Heart, Cupid Delaney, and I was so excited when I found out that there was a sequel and I was able to get a copy from PaperbackSwap.  Alas, YA of the late 80's and early 90's isn't quite what it is now.  But I still love the premise of cupids helping out love lorn teens, and all my favorite characters are back in play.  Yes, it's super mushy and the teens act more like grade school kids, but I'm glad I went back and finished it.  The ending was perfect for Cupid Delaney, and Alvin and Helen got the ending they deserved.  But the dude's arms on the cover are kind of scary, as my friend Steph pointed out.  Horrible cover, cutesy story, good nostalgic times!

But I bet you're wondering what other books I'm hoping to get to this week, since the above book doesn't quite go with the Spring Into Horror Readathon theme.  So here's what I'm hoping to get to:

I know, it looks like a lot, and it is, but 3 of the selections are Graphic novels, but I think it's a reasonable goal for me since I'm not working a whole lot this week.  Night Circus is a re-read for book club, so I'm sure it'll be faster this time around, but since I'm already almost done with my current audio book, I might just re-listen to the audio version. 

So are you participating?  It's not to late, you have until Friday to officially sign up!  And you can follow the Readathon on Twitter at #SpringHorrorRat. 

I'm about to start Anna Dressed in Blood, and I'm so excited to finally read this book!  I feel like it's a long time coming (and it is).  Any books on your list or tbr shelf that you can't wait to read?
Pin It!


  1. I think I may join this too. I loooved Anna and I loooooved, loved, loved The Night Circus. I really want to get Lock and Key one of these days and I also want to read Divergent. Yeah, okay. I want to read everything.

  2. Worst cover ever. Also, you'll love Anna Dressed In Blood... right up your alley.

  3. After seeing your post about this I signed up too! My first one.

  4. Great books before you :) I'm planning to finally read Anna, too, although I've started with ToT from the Black Ship, so I'll read Anna next.
    I've read Uncle Montague's ToT & The Teacher's ToT, so those will be re-reads for me, and yeah, my editions are gorgeous ;) when I saw them I knew I had to get them & also they have one bonus story each :)
    I hope Envy will be really scary!
    Happy reading!

  5. Finally making the rounds! And I saw that you have been visiting everyone. You are awesome! You truly are a cheerleader at heart. =O)

    Okay, I'm jealous! The second person with Anna Dressed in Blood on their list. Someday I will get my hands on that one! Your whole list is great! Have a ton of fun reading this week! I'll be checking in again.

  6. Ah! I should've included Anna Dressed in Blood. I have it, but haven't read it yet. Hmm. Maybe I'll try to squeeze it in.

    And I LOVE The Night Circus! So. Much.

    Good luck on your goal. I'm sure I'll see you on #SpringHorrorRAT :)

  7. Good Luck! I am not participating this week but I am cheering y'all on :)

  8. I'm not participating in this challenge but I know that you will have a good time with it because it is right up your alley! I'm excited that you are reading Anna Dressed in Blood because I know that Steph loved that one and her review of it sounded really good and I know I wanted to read it after that!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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