Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Southern Vampire Series or Help! I'm In Love With Vampire Eric!!

I read the first Southern Vampire Series book, Dead Until Dark, by Charlaine Harris about a year ago for my Midnight Book Club. I then bought the second book immediately afterward because. as I may have pointed out before, I have a slight issue of book buying binging. But since my book club had moved on, and I already have lots of books bought but not read, I put it aside... or misplaced, same thing.

I dug out the second book, Dead in Dallas, in preparation for a three week beach vacation. I had already seen the first episode of the TV show True Blood, in fact had seen it before I read the first book, but hadn't continued with the series and canceled HBO when we moved. I had liked the first book, but just as in the show, I couldn't really get into Sookie Stackhouse's head. Vampire Bill was doing nothing for me. Eric was interesting, but not featured much in the first book and not at all in the first tv episode. Then, before vacation, True Blood season 1 came out on dvd, and I got caught up into it, and Alexander Skarsgard. And since the first season was pretty much or less like book 1. My interest was peaked and beginning with Dead in Dallas I suddenly had a reason to read the series- Eric Northman.

While at the beach I bought the 3rd book, but as I had brought 9 books with me, I felt compelled to put it aside until I returned home. Upon my return to my non-beachside town, I found my friend Ame obsessed with the series and the show. She was quick to supply with with books 4-9 (in a completely legal manner, I assure you) and links to the second season of True Blood.

Putting aside the hotness of Alexander Skarsgard, I instead focused on the books. I pretty much flew through them. And finally, Book 4 seemed to love Eric Northman as much as I did! I also began to fall in love with Bon Temps, and with the focus off vampire Bill, I was in my zone. Along the way new characters caught my interest, Alcide, Amelia and Quinn, while some just pissed me off like Arlene. When I finally got to book 9 I was shocked at how short it seemed, but it was still packed with lots of action and danger. Poor Sookie, is there anything in her that hasn't been broken yet? It's a good thing vampire blood has healing properties in it, or Sookie would be a corpse.

With the last book read (Book 10 doesn't come out until May- my birthday month!) I watched the entire second season of True Blood, catching the season finale just a few days ago. And while I'm not crazy about all the vampire Bill love, Eric is being featured more and more, and hopefully will become as key a player as he is in the books. Normally I'm much better at separating books from their movie/tv counterparts, like with Gossip Girl. And I'm trying with the Southern Vampire Books and True Blood, I think I just need a little distance.

Have you read the series? What did you think of Sookie's development throughout the series so far? And most importantly, which vampire is Niall speaking of in the last book? I want it to be Eric, but suspect it's Bill. And honestly, I understand the True Blood love for Bill despite my personal dislike of the character- Stephen Moyer is a fine actor, but my blood belongs to a certain dead, tall, Swede.
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  1. Hi, Kate! I wanted to welcome you to the world of book blogging. I saw your comment on the BBAW post about Dewey. A really sweet comment, I might add.

    A word of wisdom: you might find blogging completely addictive!

    If you have any questions or problems or concerns, I'm always happy to help. :)

    Also, the Read-a-thon continues to be a twice yearly event, hosted by three of us who helped Dewey when she was doing it. You can check it out at

  2. Book 4 is definitely what kept me reading the series, yup. :D I haven't seen the show but I've seen those gifs of Mr. Skarsgard that-- yeah, I'd totally watch the show if it was just him and the actress who plays Pam. (Can't stand any of the other actors, sorry!)

    As for the questions-- I do think the book series is heading towards Team Eric (but that just might be my own Team Eric bias talking) though it's possible for an Eric/Sookie reconciliation that might come into play later. About Sookie's character development-- uh. It's complicated. On the one hand I do think she's changed a bit since the first book (less naive, for one), but she still has that determination to separate vamp-world and human-world, and I can't help but feel that she needs to pick one or the other for her character to develop any more. Does that make sense? It's like she's too torn between the two to grow, or something.

    Excellent post, by the way! :D

  3. We definitely have the same thoughts on Eric. I wasn't really in to the series until Book 4 either. I also just bought the first season of True Blood but I might read the last five books before starting.

  4. OMG!!! I am so team Eric. I'm running a Sookie Stackhouse reading challenge. All you need to do to participate and win prizes is write up your reviews and post them here. There are TONS of Sookie lovers here.

  5. Well I should have been clearer, read this post and consider joining. Welcome post

    and then this:

    review links

  6. I just finished book 4 for Beth's challenge. It is my favorite book so far!

    I'm still still uncommitted to any particular team, and I still haven't watched True Blood :-).

    Great post!

  7. I am overwhelmed, but in a good way! lol

    Thanks for all the comments, I had no idea how to get started, but it turns out the book blogging community is AWESOME, so that helps!

    trish- I am so on board for the readathons!

    Anastasia- I like the show okay, but yeah, not a huge fan of Anna Paquin or Stephen Moyer- his Bill is even more heavy handed then book Bill. Plus the show is on HBO, which means more nudity than you think could fit into a one hour show, which is fine when it's Alexander Skarsgard's flesh, but 99 times out of 100 it isn't his, and it brings out the hidden prude in me at times. But, the show does have things going for it the books don't- Jason is a lot more likable, Lafayette doesn't die and has a much larger (and funnier) role, and it's got vampire Jessica and the whole Hoyt/Jessica love story, which makes it worth it. Although the 2nd season aside from that it basically a huge orgy... I'm not even joking.

    Trisha- the first season of True Blood is based largely on the first book. The only thing that's not is the early introduction of Tara (who is a lot different than in the books) and the vampire Jessica (who isn't in the books at all). So there aren't any spoilers. But like I said before, it's best to keep the series and the show separate because there are some huge differences.

    Beth- I am all over that action!

    imbookingit- lol, you'll have some extra team choices soon!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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