Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Midnight Girl Book Necklace!

My lovely sister-in-law, Amy, and my niece Grace (okay, it's mostly Amy) have gotten into the Origami Owl business!  They special in gorgeous charm necklaces and I ordered my first necklace last week.  You design your own necklace, so I made mine with a bookish theme.  I know, go figure.  You can order online here (or just browse to see what all they offer) or throw a jewelry bar party (which I will be doing in March- and if you're in the VA area, you are invited!). There are so many choices, and the prices are good- but I had to stop myself from going too crazy!

 I was so excited to get my cute little pink box in the mail (they send directly to you) within a week of ordering- but I did pay $3 more for fast shipping.

Inside the box was a little card showing birthstones and a little Chinese Take Out box full of jewelry!

Inside the Take Out box.

 The box contained my charms, the chain, a plate for my necklace, a dangle, a cute little fortune cookie shaped jewelry holder, and the locket.

 And here's my necklace!  The key is a dangle that I hang on the chain along with the locket.  Inside the locket is a back plate in rose gold that says ALWAYS, with for those of you in the know is a Harry Potter reference.  The charms inside the locket are: 2 birthstones, one for May (my birth month) and one for March (for the Hubs- the key is also because he, and books, are the key to my heart), there's a little laptop charm because of the book blog, a cup of coffee because books and coffee go together like chocolate and EVERYTHING, and lastly I have a Heart To Read charm.

So I was thinking about my friends, and what charms I would add to their lockets (obviously all ya'll would get the Heart To Read charms, natch).

 For Kim, I'd make her a Packers necklace, with green and yellow birthstones (two of each) with a football helmet, and football charm, plus the one that says Family- because Kim loves her family and her family loves Packers football.

For Courtney, I'd definitely add a baseball charm, a coffee charm, 1/2 of the best friends charm (guess who'd have the other half?), the Heart My Dog charm, a heart charm for her David Levithan Loveathon.

For Steph, I'd add the lipstick, purse and high heel shoe because it reminds me of her blog, the vintage typewriter charm, the wine charm, and the apple charm- for New York and for being a future teacher (which would work for Kim too!) and the running shoe because she is always at the gym! And maybe the margarita charm too.

For Pam, I'd add a fleur de lis for New Orleans, the steampunk charms (because they remind me of halloween), I'd add some green and purple birthstones for Mardi Gras, the Hamsa Hand charm for Daughter of Smoke and Bone (which I just found, how cool!) and a suitcase for all the bookish traveling she does.

For Cindy I'd add a fleur de lis too, since she's in Quebec and the maple leaf charm too, an apple for New York, an owl charm (and owl dangle!), the Mom charm (in aqua to match the owl's eyes) because Cindy is an amazing mom, and a hockey charm to represent her son.

For Andrea, obviously the book charm in a given for everyone, but to that I would add letter charms - DFTBA, because she's a diehard nerdfighter.  Honestly, this would work for several of my friends.

For Katie I'd add the kitty charm, the laptop charm, the sewing machine since they don't have a cross-stitch charm yet, and the number charms for 90210. :)

For Jen I'd add the letter charms for Y and A, the apple charm,  the laptop charm, the hummingbird charm since it's the closest to the mockingjay they have, the Hamas hand charm for Daughter of Smoke and Bones too, and an angel wing charm- in part for all the YA angel books, but also because she's a giveaway angel to all of us!

So if I win the lottery, ya'll are all getting necklaces!!
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Elite (The Selection #2) Review

The Elite (The Selection #2)
by Kiera Cass
Genre: YA, Dystopian, Romance
Format: I received an a copy through Around the World ARC Tours in exchange for my honest review.
Expected Publication: 04.23.13
Midnight Minute: America was one of the last girls standing in the competition for Prince Maxon's heart, but fewer girls means shiz is getting real.  And the rebels are closing in.
From Goodreads:
Thirty-five girls came to the palace to compete in the Selection. All but six have been sent home. And only one will get to marry Prince Maxon and be crowned princess of Illea.

America still isn’t sure where her heart lies. When she’s with Maxon, she’s swept up in their new and breathless romance, and can’t dream of being with anyone else. But whenever she sees Aspen standing guard around the palace, and is overcome with memories of the life they planned to share. With the group narrowed down to the Elite, the other girls are even more determined to win Maxon over—and time is running out for America to decide.

Just when America is sure she’s made her choice, a devastating loss makes her question everything again. And while she’s struggling to imagine her future, the violent rebels that are determined to overthrow the monarchy are growing stronger and their plans could destroy her chance at any kind of happy ending.
Midnight Thoughts:
~ I felt like the cut from 35 girls to just 6 was awfully severe, especially since this is only the 2nd book in the series- but then the fist culling on The Bachelor always troubled me too.  I may be a tad too sentimental about stupid crap.  But really, true affection takes time to build up, Maxon!
~ I don't watch The Bachelor anymore because it got hella fake, but I was hooked for several seasons (the first one I watched was Charlie O'Connells season.  I was really rooting for him and baby nurse Sarah).  But all of the crap that I began to hate about the tv show (the incredible fakeness of it and pretty much all reality tv anymore) isn't in The Selection series.  I get all the pretty, petty girls in elaborate dresses vying for a hottie's attention.  Plus it's got political intrigue!
~ Is there anyone out there who is Team Aspen?  Because I didn't like at all in the last book, and in The Elite my feelings are more ambivilant. Sometimes he seems cool, but then he's putting America in a extremely dangerous position anytime he talks to her, so that's very uncool.  I kind of want him to just hook up with someone else or imprint on a toddler (just kidding! Because that's gross!).
~ When the Prince asks you to keep something secret, you protect it like Frodo protected the one Ring.  Hell, if Prince William or Prince Harry told me a secret, I'd keep it.  And I'm not even English.  In fact, I'm sure some of my more militant Irish ancestors would be mighty displeased with me, but I'd still keep my mouth shut. 
~ America, meet everyone's favorite toy, the yo-yo.  Ya'll have a lot in common this book.  One minute America is all about Maxon, then Aspen, then Maxon, then Aspen, then Roberto, then Maxon... just joking.  There's no Roberto.  Just making sure you're paying attention!
~ I don't know if I love all the awful names in this series, or I love how awful they are.  Seriously, Officer Woodwork?  And don't get me started on all the jokes I can make out of America's name.  
~ I really liked Elise in this novel, although she steps up her game as a rival for Maxon's affection.  I'm also in total agreement with her over the caning vs. death debate.  I'll take caning any day of the week over death.  Unless it was every day, and then eventually I'm sure the death choice would start looking good. 
~ I really love America's relationship with her dad- he truly loves her and believes in her.  Her mom remains a bit of Mrs. Bennet though.
~ Now that we're into the second book it becomes clear that being the Princess will be a difficult and, at times, unpleasant job.  But that maybe Mer just might be what Illea needs. 
~ Maxon's parents are the polar opposites of Mer's- his mom's is wonderful and his dad is a tool.  Too bad he's King.
~ America drove me nuts this book, and seriously Aspen is kind of stupid for putting up with her.  And she's completely hypocritical too... but I still love the chemistry between her and Maxon, so I'm willing to overlook her yoyo tendencies for now.  Although, her hypocrisy might not make her Princess material, but she's got a good shot at a political career.
~ This series is a giant soap opera, and I love it.
~ The rebels continue to be all mysterious and murderous. I'm a little afraid that I'm going to be disappointed with their storyline, but honestly I'm just here for the competition. 
~ The Palace security continues to be the worst. 
~ Much drama in this book, and the plot moves steadily on.  I really loved the task America and the other girls are given in this book, even more would have been nice though.  
~ I heart this series.  It's not perfect, it's a little shallow, Mer drives me nuts, but I'm hooked. 

Timeless Characters:
America Singer- her name says it all I guess.  She's a talented musician and she's torn between two political parties boys. 
Prince Maxon- my favorite point in the love triangle.  He actually calls America on some of her shiz, which just makes her (and me) love him more. Sigh.
Aspen- He doesn't ski, so I'm not sure what's up with his name, but he's there for America whenever she deigns to call on him.
Anne, Mary and Lucy- America's maids.  Still really like them.  They remind me of the mice in Cinderella.
Officer Woodwork- one of the palace guards.
Queen Amberly- I really just picture her as Julie Andrews.  I love Julie Andrews.
King Clarkson- It's beginning to dawn on me that he's not particularly thrilled to pass the torch of leadership onto his son...
Adele- the Queen's sister.  She doesn't have a huge role, but I liked her so she goes on the list.
Gavril Fadaye- reporter for the Illea Capital.
Mr. Singer- America's dad is perfection.  She also has a cute little sister, I forgot to write her name down, but she's an adorable moppet. 
Marlee- Mer's friendly competition, she's got secrets of her own.
The rest of the Elite:
Kriss- the airhead
Elise- the brain (and now the competition)
Natalie- the four (sorry I didn't write anything else down about her)
Celeste- the mean one
Midnight Moment:
There's a few of them, and no surprise, they all contain Maxon!
First, I love that Maxon takes America to a super secret hidden room, and that it contains books and computers. 
The biggest Midnight Moment came when Maxon takes his shirt off for America- but not for the reason ya'll are thinking.  Get your minds out of the gutters!
Stop The Clock:
If you liked the first book, then The Elite is a must read.  Yes it was frustrating, but it's the second book so you know the love triangle is only going to heat up and stakes are just going to get higher.  That's the job of Book 2.  I gave it a five star on Goodreads simple because you can't do half-stars and I devoured this book.  It probably would have been a five, but I wanted to smack/shake America through out most of this book.

Kiera Cass — Website |Kiera Cass

The Elite (The Selection #2) gets a Midnight Book Rating of: 

Also, there's a novella coming out on March 5th: 
The Prince: A Selection Novella
By Kiera Cass
From Goodreads:
Before thirty-five girls were chosen to compete in the Selection...

Before Aspen broke America's heart...

There was another girl in Prince Maxon's life...

Don't miss this thrilling 128-page original novella set in the world of the New York Times bestselling novel The Selection. Also features a teaser to The Elite, Kiera Cass's hotly anticipated sequel to The Selection.

Finally my love story with the Prince can be told!
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Monday, February 25, 2013

The Rules (Projeck Paper Doll #1) Review

The Rules (Project Paper Doll #1)
by Stacey Kade
Genre: YA Science Fiction
Format: Arc received from Around the World ARC Tours in exchange for my honest review.
Midnight Minute: Hiding in plain sight from a corporation that wants her for unspeakable deeds, half alien Ariane is constantly on the alert and dealing with bitchy high school girls. 
Expected Publication: 04.23.13
From Goodreads:
1. Never trust anyone.

2. Remember they are always searching.

3. Don’t get involved.

4. Keep your head down.

5. Don’t fall in love.

Five simple rules. Ariane Tucker has followed them since the night she escaped from the genetics lab where she was created, the result of combining human and extraterrestrial DNA. Ariane’s survival—and that of her adoptive father—depends on her ability to blend in among the full-blooded humans in a small Wisconsin town, to hide in plain sight at her high school from those who seek to recover their lost (and expensive) “project.”

But when a cruel prank at school goes awry, it puts her in the path of Zane Bradshaw, the police chief’s son and someone who sees too much. Someone who really sees her. After years of trying to be invisible, Ariane finds the attention frightening—and utterly intoxicating. Suddenly, nothing is simple anymore, especially not the rules…
Midnight Thoughts:
~ I've read and loved the first two Ghost and Goth books, but I'm almost afraid to read the last one, since then the series will be over, but I was super excited when I heard about this series, even if I missed the whole alien aspect of the plot.  I really thought it was going to be a YA version of Joss Whedon's canceled tv show Dollhouse.  
~ I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi, and even a less fan of aliens, but I trusted Kade to write a story I'd like.  She did not disappoint!
~ The Rules has a duel narrative, flipping between Ariane (how is this pronounced? Because it'd be weird if it's pronounced like Aryan) and Zane.  I really enjoyed this style because I really think it helps move things along and it's a good way to really get to know the main characters.
~ There's no love triangle!  Not that I mind a good triangle, but I'm kind of tired of useless ones- A's got enough to deal with right now.  That said, this is only book 1, and who knows what can happen in book 2!
~ So, Ariane is living in the place of her "dad"s real daughter, who died.  I thought at first that this was one of those books- clones born to take over the original's life, but thankfully it was just an identity that was easy to slip into when Ariane gets out of the facility that made her. 
~ Sadness: for the first five or six years of her life, she thought her name was Wannahseven (not sure I spelled that right), because that's her number: 107.  Jesus, even the mice and chimpanzees get real names.  
~ So, Ariane is a half-human, half-alien hybrid that this shady corporation has cobbled together.  I don't know if she just assumes that her alien half comes from the aliens that reportedly crashed at Roswell, or if that's really where her poor alien ancestor came from. 
~ Even though Ariane has got some cool alien powers, she has enough kyrptonite weaknesses- include very fragile bones, that keep her from being some Mary Sue super alien.  
~ Because she was raised in a facility, most of her knowledge of the "outside world" came from tv and cartoons.  You can only imagine what a crazy, warped world view she had before getting out of the facility- afraid at that any time an Acme safe could come raining down on her head, or expecting animals to talk.  Actually... I wish life were a bit more like cartoons.  It'd be awesome to wear the same outfit every day.  Only my luck I'd end up stuck in a huge mock turtle neck sweater and a skort like Velma from Scooby Doo. ~ So Ariane and her dad are living in the same town as the evil facility, GTX, that she escaped from, because that's the dad's plan for outsmarting the company.  But then GTX "donates" a security system, complete with video cameras, to the school and pretty much Ariane's playing Frogger, but for reals. 
~ Also, the small town setting within powerful reach of the GTX means that the relationships between people are tricky and complex.  The meanest girl in school, Rachel, is one of Zane's besties? Also the granddaughter of the head GTX honcho.  And now she's locking horns with Ariane. 
~ Ariane keeps her head down and only has one friend, but she's got a virtual online life, which I thought was going to figure in more with the story.  I do love the fact that Ariane chooses to date Clark Kent, a computer generated character, instead of finding a hook up in Dreamlife, the site she plays on. 
~ GTX made Ariane do some awful things, leading her to put a self-imposed block on her powers.  Which sucks, because she needs them now.  
~ I have to give props to Stacey Kade for explaining why Mark Tucker too Ariane out of the facility in a non-creeper way. 
~ GTX totally reminds me of The Shop in Fire-Starter by Stephen King.   Although, I suspect Charlie McGee could kick Ariane's butt... at least for now.  Perhaps book 2 will change my mind. ;)
~ Kade is good at writing complex characters- even the evil teen queen Rachel has some depth to her. 
~ In order to take down smug Rachel, er, I mean, help her moronic, Plastics worshiping friend Jenna, Ariane has to break all of her careful stay-under-the-radar rules.  It seems reckless, because it is, but we break rules all the time.  We still gloves from the hospital, we run red lights (this pertains particularly to Virginia drivers), we talk loudly in libraries.  Humans are rule breakers by nature, even if it puts our lives in danger.  This is apparently true for human/alien hybrids too. 
~ The ending guarantees I'll be there for the rest of the series.  Well played, Kade.

Timeless Characters:
Ariane Tucker- 1/2 alien, 1/2, 100% awesome.
Zane Bradshaw- Kade creates some of the best guys in YA, and Zane does not disappoint. 
Mark Tucker- works security for GTX, despite having stolen their unique creation.  Which is the definition of balls of steel.
Jenna- Ariane's only friend, desperate to be in Rachel's circle.
Rachel Jacobs- she reigns supreme in the halls of Ashe High, she ain't no hollaback girl.
Arthur Jacobs- Rachel's beloved grandpappy and head of GTX.
Cami and Cassi- twins, happy juice drinkers in worship of Rachel.
Trey- completely worships Rachel, who treats him like a baby, unless it's a day ending in a y, in which case she treats him like a baby with a stinky diaper.  
Sheriff Bradshaw- actually, maybe he's the police chief?  I forgot to write his title down, but he's Zane's snobdouche dad.  Hates Mark Tucker, wants to be all up GTX's butt because he's, well, a snobdouche.  Zane will never be good enough in Poppa Bradshaw's eyes. 

Midnight Moment:
I really loved Ariane and Tucker's relationship, but my favorite moment was Ariane's misunderstanding of the French Kisses that the French Club's booth at the town fair.  It was hilarious to have her get all mad at Tucker only to have him explain what the booth was giving away.

Stop The Clock:
Maybe science-fiction isn't your thing.  That's cool.  But this book is also a thriller, with some contemporary romance thrown in with a whopping side of humor.  So, if that's your thing, then you need to read this book.  In fact, just put Stacey Kade on your list.  You know what list I'm talking about.  The list of authors you go out of your way to read.  She's that good, ya'll.

Stacey Kade — Website |Stacey Kade

The Rules (Project Paper Doll #1) gets a Midnight Book Rating of: 

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sundays In Bed With... Crash and Burn

 Welcome to my Sundays In Bed With... Meme! The meme that dares to ask, what book has been in your bed this morning?  Come share what book you've spent time curled up reading in bed, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

This morning I'm reading:
 Crash and Burn by Michael Hassan
I'm only 50 pages in, but I am liking it so far.  It's not a quick read though, at least not at this point.  I hope it picks up, since the ARC is over 500 pages and I only have a week with it.  I should be able to get some significant reading done today.  My only problem is with the cover- I get the meaning already from the book, but coupled with the title it makes me think of September 11th, although maybe that's what they're going for?  The book is about two boys who have been connected their whole lives, one a troubled genius and one a troubled slacker, and how the slacker prevents the genius from blowing up their high school.  And there's a whisper-like at the end of Lost in Translation, but this time I think we are going to learn what Burn said to Crash.   However, if I just saw the cover and didn't read the summary I would just assume it was about Sept 11.

 What are you reading (or wish you had time to read) this morning? Are you reading the book you thought you'd be reading, or has today found you with a surprise? Link up below!
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Friday, February 22, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday: Giving It Away

It's a little late, but I can't resist the gorgeous new button for Feature and Follow, hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  This week's question is:

We always talk about books that WE want. Let’s turn it on its head. What books have you given other people lately?

Hmm, I gave away Ready Player One to my brothers, because they actually remember the 80's quite well.  And then I bought a couple of Harry Potter books for Kim- one with the adult British cover and another in Spanish, but that was way back in Christmas.  I also gave her several of my Meg Cabot chick lit books recently, and a bunch of books to some of the ladies in my book club since I've been culling my shelves in preparation for all the books I'll be getting at BEA.  I also plan on getting Courtney the new Maureen Johnson book when we go down to the book signing in early March, because she's being so freaking good about her planned book buying yearly budget and I already pre-ordered my own signed copy. And I pre-ordered The Trouble With Flirting so that I can share it with my blogger bffs (which will entail a new feature I'm cooking up on here called Book STD).  

What about you?

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Thirst No. 5

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine that gives us the opportunity to share what upcoming book releases we're most excited about.
As you know, I love all things Christopher Pike, so the book that I'm most looking forward to is: 
 Thirst No. 5: The Sacred Veil by Christopher Pike, out March 5th!
Goodreads summary:
Quench your Thirst with the finale to the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Christopher Pike.Sita has lived for centuries. She has seen more than most people could ever imagine.

She has loved and she has lost; she has killed many, and she has given life.

Now, at last, Sita’s story culminates in an epic—and satisfying—conclusion to the enormously popular Thirst series.
I'm not sure that this is really the end of Sita, I don't know that Pike will ever truly be done with Sita unless she goes skipping off with Krishna in the end.  Still looking forward to it.  

What book are you eagerly awaiting? 
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Monday, February 18, 2013

The Rules for Disappearing Review

The Rules for Disappearing
by Ashley Elston
Genre: YA Mystery/Thriller
Format: ARC from Around the World ARC Tours in exchange for my honest review. 
Expected Publication: 05.14.13
Midnight Minute: Hiding out in the Witness Protection Program and on her sixth identity in just 8 months, Meg decides she is done running. 
From Goodreads: 
She’s been six different people in six different places: Madeline in Ohio, Isabelle in Missouri, Olivia in Kentucky . . . But now that she’s been transplanted to rural Louisiana, she has decided that this fake identity will be her last.

Witness Protection has taken nearly everything from her. But for now, they’ve given her a new name, Megan Rose Jones, and a horrible hair color. For the past eight months, Meg has begged her father to answer one question: What on earth did he do – or see – that landed them in this god-awful mess? Meg has just about had it with all the Suits’ rules — and her dad’s silence. If he won’t help, it’s time she got some answers for herself.

But Meg isn’t counting on Ethan Landry, an adorable Louisiana farm boy who’s too smart for his own good. He knows Meg is hiding something big. And it just might get both of them killed. As they embark on a perilous journey to free her family once and for all, Meg discovers that there’s only one rule that really matters — survival.
Midnight Thoughts:
~ When we first meet the main character, she has no name.  She picks Meg for her new identity, but within her family she is usually referred to as Sissy, and her little sister as Teeny.  At one point it had been fun, picking out new names, but the family is so broken down at the time the book starts that they are all barely hanging on. 
~ Meg and her family have been in Witness Protection for only 8 months, but this is already their sixth relocation.  It made me wonder how often this happens in real life, and if people who are in Witness Protection are tracked down and killed, does the public ever find that out?  
~ Because of all of the sudden moves, Meg has learned to keep all of her and Teeny's valuable possessions in one bag, which is sad and reminds me of how foster children live.
~ Their latest town in in rural Louisiana, which I loved since my sister in law is from a similar town.  I love that they celebrate Mardi Gras outside of New Orleans, which I didn't realize until this book. 
~ Tired of moving, Meg makes a few new rules for herself, including keeping to herself and finding out why her family is running.
~ The stress of their new lives is breaking this family. Meg's mom is an alcoholic, and no longer functioning.  Her little sister is withdrawn and nervous, and the trust between Meg and her dad is gone. 
~ Meg gets an after school job at a pizza parlor, which I loved, and they serve something called Swamp Pizza, which sounds incredibly disgusting.  But I would try it- if I were extremely drunk or if I were on Amazing Race or Fear Factor. 
~ Going from popular girl to on-the-run girl both matures and changes Meg.  
~ Raise your hand if you think there's more to Meg's nightmares than just late night snacking!
~ There's a slight twist with the characters of Ethan and Emma that I did not see coming, but was pleasantly surprised by. 
~ It's the little details, like Pearl's pizza store, or the fact that Meg once had to move to a safe house dressed in a Halloween costume that really made this book for me. 
~ I have never heard of hog hunting, but no matter how cute the boy, it still sounds like the worst date ever. If the Hubs had taken me on a hog hunting date in the beginning, he wouldn't be the Hubs, I would have broken up with him and written a song about it worthy of a Taylor Swift hit. 
~ The major lesson to take away from this book: teens shouldn't drink and eavesdrop. Major lesson to take away from the book cover: always wear shoes in case you need to run away, but bare feet are preferred over high heels. 
~ I liked the beginning of each chapter being prefaced by one of Meg's rules for disappearing. 
~ The book is a little slow at first, but it's never boring, there's just some back story to get through.  The action picks up considerably in the last quarter of the book.
~ I really liked the ending, even though it left some questions.  I suspect that some people will really dislike the ending, but it worked for me. 
~ Okay, I looked at the author's tumblr account, and there is a sequel.  I'm actually cool with that, because even though I would have been fine without one, there is one character that I'm dying to know more about!

Timeless Characters:
Meg- not her real name, but then if you knew her real name she'd have to move to another book. 
Teeny/Mary- Meg's little sister.
Meg's mom- alcoholic and falling apart, it's up to Meg to mother Teeny.
Meg's dad- avoids any indication that his family is falling apart, refuses to answer Meg's questions. 
Ethan- cute Louisiana boy and seriously into Meg despite her best attempts to be a social outcast.  Where was this boy when I was in high school? Oh, yeah, not born yet. 
Pearl- runs the pizza place Meg works for, Ethan's aunt and all around awesome character.  I really loved her!
Ben- until I knew his name, I referred to him as jock boy. 
Emma- hateful cheerleader intent on making Meg miserable, girlfriend to Ben.
Agent Thomas- young agent who covers for Meg when she skips school.  If I were Meg, I'd have developed a huge crush on him, but I blame that on watching too much Twin Peaks and X-Files when I was younger. 
Elle, Laura and Brandon- friends from Meg's past, when she had a real name.

Midnight Moment:
Meg's confession to her mom about her nightmares and her mom's reaction to what she says, even if I suspected it. 
Also, I loved the scene where Meg and Ethan traded cheesy pick up lines with one another, it was cute and made me smile.

Stop The Clock:
This was definitely my kind of book, because I love anything to do with the Witness Protection Program.  I loved the setting, the characters and the mystery. 

Ashley Elston— Website |Tumblr

The Rules for Disappearing gets a Midnight Book Rating of: 

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sundays In Bed With... The Elite!

 Welcome to my Sundays In Bed With... Meme! The meme that dares to ask, what book has been in your bed this morning?  Come share what book you've spent time curled up reading in bed, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

This morning I'm reading:
The Elite (Selection #2) by Kiera Cass 
Nobody does pretty dress covers like the Selection novels!  I'm hoping to have time to read this completely today, and I dived in last night, but unfortunately it wasn't the kind of night that I could spend staying up late all night long.  I'm hoping this is a good read for us Team Maxon fans!
 What are you reading (or wish you had time to read) this morning? Are you reading the book you thought you'd be reading, or has today found you with a surprise? Link up below!
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Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Very Potter Valentines!

Harry Potter's getting a new look!  Normally I would be crying into my pillow over the news.  Why mess with a good thing, right?  But here's why I'm super excited:
Image Source: The Huffington Post
So Happy Valentine's Day, Midnighters!

What do you think of the new cover designs?

You can read more about the new look here.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love in the Time of Global Warming Review

Love in the Time of Global Warming
by Francesca Lia Block
Genre: Fantasy/Dystopian/Add you Genre here ;)  This book can't be categorized that easily!
Format: ARC from Around the World ARC Tours in exchange for my honest opinion and review.
Midnight Minute: Pen is a modern day Odysseus, dodging giants and sorceresses, finding love and home after the world she knows is torn apart. 
Expected Publication: 08.27.13 (wow, sorry it's such a long way off!)
From Goodreads:
Seventeen-year-old Penelope (Pen) has lost everything—her home, her parents, and her ten-year-old brother. Like a female Odysseus in search of home, she navigates a dark world full of strange creatures, gathers companions and loses them, finds love and loses it, and faces her mortal enemy.

In her signature style, Francesca Lia Block has created a world that is beautiful in its destruction and as frightening as it is lovely. At the helm is Pen, a strong heroine who holds hope and love in her hands and refuses to be defeated.
Midnight Thoughts:
~ This is my first book from Francesca Lia Block, but the writing was so wonderful that it doesn't really matter that her books aren't my usual type.  In fact, that's what I liked about this book.
~ I love mythology.  A LOT. And I love re-tellings and re-imaginings.  But I have read a lot of bad books based on mythology, so far 2013 has brought several mythology based books my way that have been awesome.  
~ The world as we know it is torn apart by earthquakes and floods brought on by Giants. 
~ Pen's journey is similar, but not identical, to Odysseus's troubled journeys.  A lot of the obstacles she's faces are of a familiar kind, but Block puts a very modern spin on everything. 
~ I don't know if I would classify this book as YA.  It certainly can be read by young adults, and most of the main characters fit in that age group, but I think this could easily be on the shelves of adult fiction too. This book, like Pen and her friends, can't be put neatly in a box.
~ Pen is a fascinating character.  This is a short book, ya'll, but it doesn't ever feel shallow.  Pen is dealing with her sexuality and her crush on her close friend, Moira, and Block manages to convey this is very subtle way.  Block has the ability and talent to say more with a paragraph than most authors can say with a chapter.  In away it reminds me of Maeve Binchy, although she and Block are very different writers.
~ This is the most epic feeling book I've ever read that's under 300 pages- it's not even 250 pages long.  It's a fast paced read, reading like a very modern fairy tale.
~ One thing that really struck me about this book was the love of art and music.  It's everywhere, even amongst the destruction of the world. It's part of what made this a beautiful read- amid eyeball plucking and questionable meat. 
~ FINALLY- a butterfly on the cover that really makes sense.  There are butterflies throughout the story guiding Pen's journey (she actually puts quite a bit of faith in the little buggers).  The orange butterfly is the Rabbit to Pen's Alice.
~ Giants, drugged out teens, the real sirens of Beverly Hills, sorceresses and evil scientists, Pen encounters them all.  
~ Although the Odyssey is a big inspiration for this tale, the way that Pen collects friends is not unlike Dorothy picking up the Scarecrow, the Tinman and the Cowardly Lion.  I loved how each member of this little ragtag group ultimately made sense in the larger picture. 
~ I loved the visions Pen has of her friend's as children.  Again it tells you more about the characters in fewer words. 
~ Hex's tattoos prove very telling. 
~ This book does have some smexy times in it.  Not an in-your-face HBO kind of sex, but it isn't the fade-to-black kind of sex featured in most YA either.
~ Block does not make a big deal out of it, but all of the main characters are gay, bi-sexual or transgender.  It's a welcome change to the funny, gay best friend that's featured in a lot of books- and I'd like to point out the token gay friend is almost always male.  Usually a book has to specifically be a LGBT book to feature main characters that aren't strictly heterosexual.  
~ I just really liked this story, and it's really stayed with me.  I actually might be liking it more and more as time goes by, which happens sometimes when you have a chance to reflect on a story. I originally gave it four stars on Goodreads, but I'm thinking it's closer to a four and a half, which means I'll bump it up to 5 on there. 
~ I really liked the characters.  Pen is a wonderfully strong young woman, Hex is charming and sexy, Ez and Ash are adorable. I just really liked this book, and the writing is wonderful!

Timeless Characters:
Penelope (Pen)- our female Odysseus, artistic and brave, and world class big sister.
Venice- Pen's unique little brother.
Moria and Noey- Pen's besties before the Earth Shaker.
Argos- Pen's dog.
Hex- a sexy boy Pen meets at The Lotus Hotel.
Kronen- the scientist that made the giants.
Beatrix Lay- former soap opera star and current sorceress.
Ez- a young cake eating artist and chef.
Frekk- a Giant.
Ash- a young male model with a beautiful voice.
Tara- a Tibetian goddess. 
Merk- a helpful man. 
Midnight Moment:
If I had to pick just one scene that really got to me, it would be when Pen and her friends go to the museum and a Giant tries to make Pen his bride. 

Stop The Clock:
A beautiful blend of mythology, fairytale and our modern world.  It's unique, well-written and a real page turner! 

Francesca Lia Block— Website |Francesca Lia Block

Love in the Time of Global Warming gets a Midnight Book Rating of: 

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Notes From Ghost Town Review

Notes From Ghost Town
by Kate Ellison
Genre: YA Mystery
Format: ARC received for review from Around the World ARC Tours in exchange for my honest opinion. 
Expected Publication: 02.12.13
Midnight Minute: Girl kisses boy, girl goes colorblind, boy dies, girl's schizophrenic mother is accused of the murder, boy haunts girl, and girl deals with potential mental illness while getting her inner private detective on.
From Goodreads:
They say first love never dies...

From critically acclaimed author Kate Ellison comes a heartbreaking mystery of mental illness, unspoken love, and murder. When sixteen-year-old artist Olivia Tithe is visited by the ghost of her first love, Lucas Stern, it’s only through scattered images and notes left behind that she can unravel the mystery of his death.

There’s a catch: Olivia has gone colorblind, and there’s a good chance she’s losing her mind completely—just like her mother did. How else to explain seeing (and falling in love all over again with) someone who isn’t really there?

With the murder trial looming just nine days away, Olivia must follow her heart to the truth, no matter how painful. It’s the only way she can save herself.

Midnight Thoughts:
~ I wanted to love this book but I ended up just liking it.  
~ I love this title, even though Ghost Town is a nickname Olivia and her friends give to a condo development, I still dig it.  It sounds like a place I'd want to at least visit. 
~ There is a lot going on in this book.  Like a lot. Lots of elements that I find really  interesting- murder, schizophrenia, colorblindness, ghosts, mystery, quirky homeless beach ladies, vicious pianists, hot rich boys and tense family relationships.  But it wasn't as cohesive as I wanted it to be. 
~ The first 70 pages or so I thought Olivia was in college, since in the beginning she is leaving Miami to go to art school in Michigan, but she's in high school.   I actually think this would have worked as a New Adult novel, so her being older would have been cool. 
~ While I never really connected with Olivia, I liked a lot of the supporting characters like Stern, Wynn and Austin.  
~ I did however, completely understand how Olivia felt about her dad's fiance.  
~ A week before Olivia's best friend Stern is killed, they finally kiss.  But it leaves her colorblind- she actually has cerebral achromatopsia, which only allows her to see shades of grey which led to some of my favorite little details in the book like:
~ In order to function, Olivia memorizes the depths of certain known colors- like the particular shade of grey on a stop sign to help her identify the color red.  And I love how she gets Wynn to help her sort her closet into colors so that she's not dressing like a crazy person.
~ One thing I've learned from books- if you think you're going crazy, you probably aren't, but it wouldn't hurt to actually go see a professional!
~ There is no physical reason for Olivia's colorblindness, which is fine, but I don't feel like it's ever really explained.  This could be me though.  The timing of the colorblindness confuses me.  
~ I really enjoyed the mystery even though I suspected almost immediately who the real culprit was, I liked how Olivia tried to find the answers for herself and her belief in her mom. 
~ There were a few loose strings at the end of the book (like did Olivia's car ever get fixed?) but it is an ARC, so I don't know that they'll stay loose.  All the major issues are resolved (if not explained). 
~ Olivia makes a reference to Dirty Dancing, which is awesome, but then says how old the movie is, which makes me realize how old I am.  But I still have to give her points for the mention.  ~ The friendships between Olivia and Raina, and Olivia and Austin, felt very realistic.  There is a lot of love and history between Olivia and Raina, but they also get on each other's nerves as only really good friends can.  
~ It might seem that Olivia is a little harsh towards Heather, but that was one area that I completely felt for her.  I'm always amazed when families go through divorces and re-marriages and there aren't lots of resentment and tension.  Your dad meeting his new girlfriend at a meeting for family members of those suffering from mental illness?  Yeah, not cool. 
~ I realize that it sounds like I didn't like the book, but I did.  I think my expectations were just too big going into the reading.  I'm not sure I'm digging the YA trend in mixing up mental illness with seeing ghosts, but I will say that the author never makes fun of schizophrenia and goes out of her way to showcase the positive in Olivia's mom.  At least YA no longer avoids any real mention of mental illness.
~ I really need to read Kate Ellison's The Butterfly Clues.  I promise I will. 

Timeless Characters:
Olivia Tithe- talented artist, colorblind, ghost seeing amateur detective. 
Lucas Stern- the ghost, talented pianist all around good guy. He made for an interesting ghost, would have loved to see more of him.
Austin Morse- hot preppy guy that at first Olivia can't stand.
Ted- Austin's step-dad and business partner to Olivia's father.
Raina- Olivia's non-ghost bestie.
Dave - Olivia's dad. He kind of drove me nuts at times.
Miriam- Olivia's mom, brilliant, talented, it's easy to see why Olivia wants to get her mom out of jail.
Wynn- 5 year old future step-sister. Adorbs.
Heather- future step-mother.
Marietta- pianist with her eyes on Julliard. 
Medusa- homeless beach lady who seems to know more than she should.
Midnight Moment:
There were two midnight moments, the first is when Olivia realizes that Austin's hanging out with her for a particular reason.  I totally understood his argument, but it was easy to feel for Olivia and how she felt at that moment.  

The other midnight moment was when Olivia speaks to Debra and finds out what became of Greg Foster, her mom's original lawyer.  It was one of those "and the plot thickens" kind of moments.  I truly love those moments.

Stop The Clock:
While I think there's maybe too many unique elements stuffed into a murder mystery, I still enjoyed the book.  I'm interested in reading more books by the author so even though this particular book wasn't a home run, I'm down for a few more innings. (That was all proper baseball lingo, right?)

Kate Ellison — Website |Kate Ellison

Notes From Ghost Town gets a Midnight Book Rating of: 

Bonus: I like the new cover, even if it looks like the cover model is making out with herself.  Here's a picture of the ARC cover: 
This cover is almost perfect (except for the hair color).  I'm always interested to see different versions of covers, so I wanted to post this.
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