Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sundays In Bed With... Crash and Burn

 Welcome to my Sundays In Bed With... Meme! The meme that dares to ask, what book has been in your bed this morning?  Come share what book you've spent time curled up reading in bed, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

This morning I'm reading:
 Crash and Burn by Michael Hassan
I'm only 50 pages in, but I am liking it so far.  It's not a quick read though, at least not at this point.  I hope it picks up, since the ARC is over 500 pages and I only have a week with it.  I should be able to get some significant reading done today.  My only problem is with the cover- I get the meaning already from the book, but coupled with the title it makes me think of September 11th, although maybe that's what they're going for?  The book is about two boys who have been connected their whole lives, one a troubled genius and one a troubled slacker, and how the slacker prevents the genius from blowing up their high school.  And there's a whisper-like at the end of Lost in Translation, but this time I think we are going to learn what Burn said to Crash.   However, if I just saw the cover and didn't read the summary I would just assume it was about Sept 11.

 What are you reading (or wish you had time to read) this morning? Are you reading the book you thought you'd be reading, or has today found you with a surprise? Link up below!
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  1. I totally thought this book had something to do with 9/11, too! Kinda disappointing if it's not...

  2. It does look like it would be about 9/11.

  3. 500 pages! Good luck! The premise doesn't grab me so this would be a difficult read for me. I hope you like it though.

  4. Interesting... yeah, I assumed it was about 9-11, too.

    1. Actually, ya'll, it does have some relevance, because one of the boy's fathers dies in the towers, which does add some pathos to the character and plot. I guess I should shut my mouth (fingers?) when I've only read 50 pages out of 500. I'm now over halfway done.

  5. I gave this to my teen reviewer and he DNF'd it. Curious to see what you think!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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