Monday, November 14, 2011

Midnight Book Club

 The Midnight Book Club, because you can't ever be in too many book clubs!

I've always, in my heart, been a Midnight Book Girl.  Back in 2008 when I was still living in Oklahoma, my friend, Court of Abducted By Books (she has an awesome new blog design that you have got to check out, it is gorgeous!), convinced me to start a book club with her.  It was just the two of us, but we were having fun.  Then I moved to Virginia and we were both a little sad about the demise of our two person book club.

But it wasn't the end, we took our book club online and convinced a few friends to occasionally join in.  Eventually it fizzled because we weren't able to bring in new online book club members and I hadn't yet become a member of our book blogging community.  I was in a new city with a job where I just wasn't meeting any potential friends, so in February of 2010 I started a book club on a site called  Technically there's over 70 members in my book club, but usually our meet ups are of 10 people or less (sometimes a lot less).  Right now we have a great group and we might just stop using the meet up forums.

So I thought about using the website I had created for Court and I, conveniently both book clubs have the same name.  Yesterday I spent some time updating it a bit.  Then I thought, why not open it to all book loving internet addicted readers?  The site looks a bit rough- does anyone design for heaven forums?, but it works.  I'd love if ya'll would stop by and join.  This month's book is Like Water for Chocolate, and our book club meets up on Nov. 19th, so we could have a board discussion anytime after that. 

I was thinking of have 2 official books a month- one for my real life book club and one for the internet readers.  In my book club we tend to avoid new releases since several members rely on the library to get their copies and getting popular new releases is pretty difficult.  But like me, so many of you read new releases and ARC's all the time.  Plus there's places to discuss our favorite books and past selections. 

So, if you're interested, please say you're interested it'll be so much more fun with lots of us involved, check out the site.  Your log in name can be anything, and I can always change it if you hate it later on.  I'm hoping to bring Court back in the fold, maybe even include her real life book club's monthly selections too.  

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  1. The site does look a little rough but I'm totally in! I had such a great time on that site back in the day and I do miss it! So if you can rally up some more people it could be a great resource for fellow book lovers.

    I'll add a post about it on my blog by tomorrow (tonight I have to clean, work out, and get my word count in for NaNo, and finish a post for Reviews in 5, but tomorrow I can write something for sure)

    And I may need your help getting back on to the site because I'm not sure if I remember my password or Login ID or anything!

  2. I joined, but I don't think I can participate until December. I am desperately trying to win Nano this year. And I'm only 12,000 words behind so.... that is better than this time last year!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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