Friday, February 24, 2012

Tagged and Bagged

So the blogosphere has been buzzing with this tagging meme...

1 You must post the rules.
2 Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the  people you’ve tagged.
3 Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
4 Let them know you’ve tagged them!

I have to admit I was afraid I wasn't cool enough to get tagged.  So I whined about it on Twitter, and magically got an offer to be tagged by Trish at Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity. Now my self esteem is back to it's usual inflated levels.  Phew.

1. What app do you love above all others? Not an app person? What about website?
Honestly I love my Goodreads app.  Last year I really utilized Goodreads to keep a track of all the books I read in 2011, and I loved it.  Part of the reason I wanted a smart phone was just so I could have the Goodreads app.  I also like the Out of Milk app- it has a grocery list, a to-do list, and a pantry list.  You can just scan the barcodes of the food in your pantry in order to know what you already have.  Same thing for your grocery list.  Love it!

2. Describe your dream profession (sky is the limit).
My dream profession would be to run a huge, magical, eclectic bookstore, one that had a cafe and music section, a room full of roll top desks for writers, a stage for poetry slams and there would be used as well as new books for sale. 

3. Appetizers or dessert?
Dessert at home, but I love appetizers when I go out.  A lot of times I like to order one or two appetizers instead of a meal.  My favorites- potato skins and steak fajita nachos.

4. If you could be BFF with any fictional character, who would you choose?

Heather Wells from Size 12 is Not Fat series by Meg Cabot... or Lula from the Stephanie Plum series. :)

5. I say BLUE. What immediatley comes to mind?
Weirdly enough, Blue Hawaii... and I'm not much of an Elvis fan (Buddy Holly is my King!)

6. Favorite song to blast and sing in your car with the windows down?

I am a fan of music, so picking one is hard, but Open Road Song by Eve6 is the first to pop into my mind.

7. What fashion fad makes you hang your head in shame?
One that I went through?  Okay, in the early 90's I bought a bunch of tie-dyed jumpers whilst at the beach.  It was not a good look for me.  I liked them because they were loose even on my pudgy butt.  Such a bad, bad look for me though. Such a bad, bad look for anyone.

8. What are your thoughts on 80s Hair Bands--specifically Monster Ballads?
I am not a fan of hair bands, although I did go through a very big Bon Jovi phase, Slippery When Wet was my first cassette tape purchased and the first concert I went to.  I just associate hair bands and monster ballads with the tiny town in PA where I was forced to move to in high school.  The rest of the world was going alternative/grunge.  But not in Nicktown, PA!  Nope, they liked their boys with perms and unnaturally high screaming vocals.  Leather pants were a must.  But don't get me wrong, I can belt out More Than Words or Every Rose Has It's Thorns with the best of them, and I'll even throw in a Living on a Prayer for free.

9. What is a book you wanted to throw across the room? What is one you wanted to hug?
Recently, Shatter Me, but since it was on my iPod and I listened to it in the car, I was able to resist the urge.  Hug?  I think I did hug Liesl & Po and The Night Circus.  Loved both of them.

10. Imagine you are an aerobics instructor--what song must be on your playlist?
Anthem by Superchick.  Now, I am so not a kick ass chick (unless we're beating each other up with words, and then I'm like a vocab ninja), but this song makes me feel like I can do anything.  My favorite line is:
We don't have time for your games
We have our own goals to score
There are trophies to win
Instead of being one of yours
11. What's for dinner tonight?
Coconut Shrimp- Kroger's had buy one get one free deal going on. 

Bonus: What's your favorite go-to lipstick (including color)
I'm not much of a lipstick girl, but I am addicted to chap stick and lip gloss.  My go to lip gloss is Covergirl's Wetslicks is Sassy.

Now here are the questions for the bloggers I'm picking (and feel free to tag yourself if I haven't tagged you, or just answer in the comments section):

1. What song would you pick for the soundtrack of the book you're currently reading?
2. What drink do you order most at Starbucks?
3. What literary character would you kiss, which one would you marry and which one would you push off a cliff?
4. Forget Zombies vs. Unicorns.  Are you Team Robots or Team Mermaid?
5.  What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
6.  If they were to make a movie out of your life, who would you want play your love interest?
7.  If you could kidnap an author, which one would it be and what book would you have them write and/or re-write?
8. How many books are in your TBR pile?
9. What's the worst job you've ever had?
10.  I want to paint an accent wall in my bedroom Peacock Blue, what color would you recommend for the other 3 walls? :)
11.  What is your favorite board game?

Bonus Question: Are you planning on attending BEA this year?  If yes, are you in need of a hotel room?  Because my friend Kim and I are looking for two other bloggers to share.  :)

So now's my turn to tag!

And you!
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  1. I love Hair Bands! I'll rock out to some Def Leopard any day! And I'm not just talking about Pour Some Sugar...I'm talking Love Bites I'm talking Photograph!!! Oh, actually, Love Bites would be really fun to do karaoke too...I should look into that!

  2. I LOVE the Goodreads app! So handy to have when you're in the book store or the library! You can just click on your to-read list and find out those books you're dying to read! That's why I keep my to-read list in a numbered order where all my need-to-read ASAP books are near the front!

    And I'd totally live at your book store!

    I wasn't going to participate in these anymore, but since it's you, I'll answer the questions! ;) I'll post them in the next couple of days and comment again with a link to my answers.

  3. I love the Goodreads app too!! About to publish my answers to these. :)

  4. I DIED at that picture. Yes, that is certainly shameful. ;) And I'm totally belting out Living on a Prayer (in my head cuz I'm at work). Love it.

    If you're doing Peacock Blue maybe do gold for the other walls? Something neutralish but still complementary.

    Skinny Vanilla Latte. Venti.

    Favorite Board Game is Clue. HATE HAAAAAAAAATE Monopoly.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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