Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Author Elizabeth Norris Shares Her Summer Reads!

Elizabeth Norris, author of Unraveling and Unbreakable, stops by to share 5 more of her top summer reads!

·         Gone Tomorrow by Lee Child.

Every summer reading list needs a good thriller, and Jack Reacher thrillers are the best around. This one takes place in New York City and has one of the tensest opening scenes ever. 

·         Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood.

This book has one of my favorite twists ever. I actually gasped when I read it. It also has beautiful writing, a fantastic protagonist, a swoonworthy love interest, and a world that I want to go visit.

·         Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta. 

This is one of my all time favorite books. It's full of several different mysteries and love stories that tie up beautifully in the end. 

·         The Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker. 

This is the book for all those people who love Veronica Mars. It's tense and funny and even a little gut wrenching.

·         The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen.

This is actually the first YA novel that I ever read as an adult. One of my students had been telling me about it was an amazing book she read over summer vacation. It has great characters, a warm summer feel, and a romance that will melt anyone's heart. Sa-woon.

Make sure to check out more of Liz’s summer reading recommendations by visiting Bewitched Bookworms (June 11th). She also shared her top summer movie and TV picks and excerpts with I am a Reader, Not a Writer (May 31st), Reading After Midnight (June 4th), Tynga’s Reviews (June 5th), Two Chicks on Books (June 7th), I’d So Rather Be Reading (June 10th) and Good Books and Good Wine (June 14th). More to come!

Check out my reviews of Unraveling and Unbreakable.  Also, here's a link to an excerpt from Undone, a Unraveling novella.
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1 comment:

  1. So... yeah, pretty much all of these are on my TBR (along with Unravelling) but HOW AM I GOING TO FIND THE TIME FOR THEM ALL???? Do a guest post on that! :):) Thank you to Elizabeth Norris for sharing her summer reads!!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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