Normally I don't read much non-fiction, and the only true crime novels I read are Ann Rule, because I love that woman. But the title of The Year We Disappeared by father/daughter duo John and Cylin Busby caught my eye. The book is a true account of John Busby's near fatal shooting (in which he lost his jaw and almost his life) and his family's struggle in the aftermath that eventually led them to relocate in order to escape further attempts on their lives. The story is told mostly in chronological order with John and Cylin taking turns telling the events. While the book was interesting, I have to admit that I wasn't a particular fan of John's story telling skills. Some of his narrative came across as bragging and boastful, and the ending of the book is abrupt although there is an attempt to fill in some of the blanks.
The Year We Disappeared gets a Midnight Book Rating of a solid 9pm, it won't keep you up late, but you'll probably get caught up enough in the book to want to finish it. If this type of book interests you at all, then I would recommend Lois Duncan's Who Killed My Daughter?, the author's true account of her daughter Kaitlyn's mysterious murder and possible police cover up.
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