Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Way Back Wednesdays- They're Back!

Welcome back to the third (I won't mention all the ones I've missed if you don't) edition of my weekly blog, Way Back Wednesdays.  Here's what ya do:

1. Grab a book of your shelf that you have not reviewed on your site (unless you've been blogging a super long time). Selection can either be random, or an oldie but goodie that you're dying to share with people. List title and author.

2. Give a 7 word description of the book.

3. If you can, post a picture of the book.

4. Open the book at random and type the 3rd full sentence found on the right hand page (or the left, if you're left handed- Midnight Book Girl does not discriminate- do both pages if you're ambidextrous).

5. Answer these questions:
    1. Did you like the book?
    2. How well do you remember it?
    3. Would you recommend it?
    4. Would you re-read it?

6. Post a link to your post in my comments box, or just answer there if you're not going to post the picture of the book cover.

Here's my Way Back Wednesday book:

1. The 10th Kingdom by Kathryn Wesley

2. NY girl finds love in other realm


4.  "I wish you and your entire family would kiss my ass," he snapped, "and be my slaves forever."

5.  I love this book, and I often re-read it.  It's based on the Hallmark Entertainment mini-series, which I just loved.  I often read books based on movies, because you tend to get a bit more plot and insight out of them (at least you do if a decent author is writing it).  This book was not a let down.  If you love fantasy, fairy tales, true love, then you need to read this book. And it'd make a great, light Readathon book!

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I have the television mini-series of this, and I am ashamed to admit, I did not realize it was a book. I absolutely adore the 'movie' and have watched it sooo many times.

  3. I've not seen this before but I love the cover!

  4. It's just based on the mini series, but I love fairy tales.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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