Hunger is a short novel that tackles anorexia in an interesting and new way. Not unlike the Incarnations of Immortality series by Piers Anthony (a great series for you sci-fi/fantasy fans), a teenage girl suffering from a eating disorder is given a new job- that of Famine (one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse). The main character, Lisa, is given this job by Death, in the form, at least physically, of Kurt Cobain. As an older reader I appreciated that.
Hunger is the second book I've read recently dealing with eating disorders, Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson was the first book. I'm glad to see attention put on this disorder, especially in today's society where teen girls are expected to be a size zero. While Wintergirls is more of a realistic telling of the physical and emotional toll of anorexia, Hunger is more of a fantasy but doesn't flinch from showing the underbelly of those "to die for" figures of young women.
I was dreading the end of Hunger, sure that Lisa would suddenly be "cured" of her anorexia, but the author surprised me. I don't want to give away the ending, but I will say that it's not all just tied up with a neat little bow. If it had been, this would have been a far lower rated review!
Hunger is a quick, easy read and I will definitely invest the time into future entries in this series. The only problem with reading about teens who won't, can't, don't want to eat though is that it makes me hungry. And then I feel bad for eating, while my poor heroine is counting the calories in a stalk of celery. It's worth the risk of extra snacking to gobble down this book!
Hunger gets a Midnight Book Rating of 11pm, you can read this book easily in one sitting and still have time for midnight snacking!
31. How Sweet the Sound
6 hours ago