Friday, November 5, 2010

11/5 Blog Hop and Follow Friday

Am I crazy for trying to do a blog hop during NaNoWriMo?  I don't think so, at least not for that reason.  I'm a fast writer and things are going good.  I give myself permission to do a little less blogging and commenting this month if my novel writing time starts to suffer, but I'm managing to keep up with my Google Reader and still make comments.

So this week's Blog Hop question is:

"What are your feelings on losing followers? Have you ever stopped following a blog?"

 I actually lost a follower today, I went from 250 to 249.  But it's okay.  I realize that my blog doesn't appeal to everyone, that the books I read aren't to their genre tastes, or maybe they already follow so many they simply have to stop following every blog they stumble across.  I'm striving constantly to become a better reviewer, a better blogger, but this might be as good as it gets folks.  I love having followers, because I love comments,  but I'm not offended if you choose to unfollow.  Perhaps someday I will woo my lost little readers back.

As for me, I follow a lot of people.  I've been a little more discriminating lately as I spend most of my internet time on Google Reader, but I rarely unfollow blogs.  I've done it once due to a distaste for a blogger's posts, and a few times I've unfollowed a blog if there hasn't been activity in more than 6 months.  But it's rare.  I'd rather do a quick scroll through my Reader and only really read the posts that interest me than give up on a blog.  (And it's okay if you scroll through my posts too!).  I do my best to comment on blogs, but only if I really have something to say or if it was post I really enjoyed.  During the blog hop I do try to follow some of the more newer blogs, because I remember what it felt like to be new and have no followers.  So if my blog roll grows as the book community grows, so be it.  Just means less time wasted on Facebook, right?

And now, onto Follow Friday!

And the question this week is:

What are your favorite authors?
I have lots of favorites, but here's a few:
Stephen King, Christopher Pike, Maeve Binchy, Dean Koontz, Sarah Addison Allen, Laurie Notaro, Tess Gerritsen, JK Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Joe Hill, Alice Hoffman, Peter Abrahams, Charlaine Haris, Kristan Cashore, Jane Austen and many I'm sure I'll be upset with myself for not adding when I read this post later on!

And don't forget my awesome Giveaway!  Just go here to enter!

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  1. That's a good, healthy philosophy you have about losing followers. I've lost about 10-15 since I started, but I've gained plenty of quality followers, too, and that's what matters.

    Happy Friday, by the way! :)

  2. Haha. I like your idea of wooing back lost followers. Sometimes I feel like my writing has gotten "as good as it gets" but overall I can see a ton of improvement from when I first began. So, I'm hopeful my content will slowly get better and better.

  3. Who are your favorite authors??

    My favorite authors are:
    Maeve Binchy
    J.K. Rowling
    Stephenie Meyer
    Charlaine Harris

  4. Hi! Hopping by from FF. Great blog, I'm a new follower. We have many of the same fave authors!

    Hop on by to Paromantasy. I'll see you there :-)

  5. Fabulous answer to the question about followers! I love having comments as well, it makes all the time and effort you put in to your posts seem worthwhile so I try to comment as much as possible on other blogs. I'm a new follower here and I look forward to reading more of your reviews. Have a great weekend!

    Jenny of Supernatural Snark

  6. Hi! Just hopping by!
    And I completely agree with you about followers!

    Anyway, I'm a new follower and I look forward to your posts. :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Totally agree about the followers - it's a bummer but I'm not really offended if someone unfollows. I do love comments though :D

  8. Also great list of authors there, very eclectic!

  9. I agree with the not always being able to comment but every once in awhile but if you make an effort that's what counts I think. :)
    have a good weekend!

  10. Found you through the Follow! I'm a new follower :) I love your background.
    You named many authors I like (though I, sadly, didn't mention them in my post): Alice Hoffman and Suzanne Collins specifically. I know, I forgot Suzanne Collins. What's wrong with me? =/

  11. I really don't care if I don't have any followers, but I treasure those I have. :)

  12. New follower here. My blog is pretty new, though I USED to blog a while back I'd given it up. Now, I'm trying the balance act of writing and trying not to spend too much time on blog building.

    Favorite Authors?
    I have several :o)

  13. I totally agree with you! (and, yes, I can see hours and hours spent on Google Reader, scrolling through and even only hitting those that looked really interesting to me). I try to be more organized and delegate a certain amount of time to each of my interests, and so I don't always get to visit people as often as I'd like!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  14. stopping by to say Hi! Thanks for the Nano love! Goodd wishes to you too! I feel like I've been cheating a little since I've been reading a download of delirium on my nook, but I'm not going to bed tonioght til I hit 14,000 then ill be caught up and back on schedule for monday :)


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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