Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sundays In Bed With... BEA Edition

Welcome to my meme, Sundays In Bed With... where we share what books we're curled up in bed with today, or which book we'd like to stay in bed reading if only we had the time!  You can participate by adding your blog link, or simply comment and tell me what you're reading.  Better yet, take a picture of your book in your bed and upload it. 

No doubt many of you are sick to death of all the BEA posts, but I haven't actually gotten around to really sharing all the awesome bookness I got in New York, so I thought I'd do it now.  Here's what's in my bed this morning:

Ten and The Spindlers are two of the books I've already read.  I got Ten signed by the amazing Gretchen McNeil, and both were Midnight reads. My review for The Spindlers is already up, and Ten will be coming soon.  Also pictured here is a tote that I actually bought (and not just one of many that I gobbled up greedily at BEA) at The Strand.  I love it, and I take it everywhere I go. 

These were the 3 books that were on my MustGetOrIMightDie list.  Bitterblue doesn't have a cover, but there's an interesting story behind how I got my copy (a story I won't share here, but buy me a drink at BEA next year and I'll tell you). Odd Apocalypse was the number one, and I didn't get it until the very last day despite my awesome blogger friends who were on the look out for it.  Fortunately Kim shared my sob story to a Power Reader who was happy to get me a copy since they were just handing them out wily nily to the Power Readers. Shadow of Night, sequel to A Discovery of Witches, was the very first book I got autographed and I cannot wait to read it!  Deborah Harkness was so wonderful, and was very understanding about my sudden ability to make sense while speaking and my general squeaky fangirl excitement.

 I stumbled upon Croak, which I really wanted to read.  I didn't see the sequel on the floor, but there's lots of books I missed.  Bared to You, which is supposed to be similar to Fifty Shades of Grey, but actually written for publication, Legend, Chosen Ones (love the cover!) Darker Still, Unraveling (signed! Norris is amazing!), The Farm, Me Before You (one of the first books I grabbed), Seed, and After Life.

 Kim picked up When It Happens to You for me, since I'm a huge brat pack fan, Memoirs of and Imaginary Friend, Carnival of Souls, Ashen Winter (actually a sequel to Ashfall which I haven't read but will because the publisher was so super excited about this series), Origin, Twelve Patients (which I picked up because it reminded me of Kingdom Hospital), Hemingway's Girl (met the author at the Blogger Conference and she was wonderful so I'm glad I got the chance to get her book!) and Techno-Mancer which just looks cool.

 The Raven Boys (I actually have two copies of this, and I'll be using the other one in a giveaway, but it's the only book I took more than one of, on purpose at least, and it was different days.  As you can tell, I'm having a little guilt over taking two), The Naptime Chef, God Loves Ugly, The Digest Diet, the new Captain Underpants novel that I'll probably give to my nephew (uh, after I read it!), Drama (which looks cute!), Kiss & Make Up, Beta, and Black City.

 Pushing the Limits (so excited about this!), Prodigy, Insurgent (signed!) Hourglass (signed, and I have to say the author is wonderful, and we actually talked about the cover and how it the girl in the photo's took them herself and I managed to not sound too much like and idiot), Destined (signed- I haven't read the series, but I'll at least read this since Pike was generous enough to hear me gushing over the other three authors she was sitting with), Schroder, The Last Dragonslayer, and Motherland (again, met the author and she's hilarious and swears a lot).
 Zom-B (which Kim picked up because she knows me well), False Memory, Monster Hunter Legion (another author at the breakfast that I met and have a slight author crush on now), The Beautiful Mystery, City of Women, Escape, Syndrome E and The Prophet, the other book I have two of, but that was an honest mistake, I didn't know he was signing the next day, and so I have a signed copy.

 The Innocents (LOVE the cover), Skinny, which the wonderful rep at Scholastic was very excited about), Summer and Bird, Where'd  You Go, Bernadette (signed), Time Between Us, Venom (the Penguin reps were very enthusiastic about this one, and it's at the top of my list as Tara, the rep I spoke to the most, was genuinely gushing over it), Son, Magisterium (another fav of the Scholastic rep), Regine's Book (totally reminds me of Go Ask Alice), and Breed.

The Wishing Spell (Chris Colfer is glowing, hilarious and truly passionate about books), Masque of the Red Death (signed!), Then Came You, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, The Iron Knight, The Fault in Our Stars, An Abundance of Katherines (signed by John Green and the young woman who won the cover design contest), Agorafabulous!, Merits of Mischief, and The Passage (I already own this on my Kindle, but I met Justin Cronin and he was fantastic.  Sadly, I did not get the sequel, but it's a book I was already planning to buy so I honestly can't complain).

Black Mask (audio), Stirred, Code Name Verity (very excited about the buzz on this!), The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, Seriously, Just Go to Sleep, Against the Grain (signed and linked to Amazon since I could not find it on Goodreads), Sky Color, a graphic novel sample for The Infernal Devices, False Impressions and The Stooges (signed graphic novel).

I got a few audio books too, ParaNorman, Anna Dressed In Blood (hello, audio re-read in October!), Criminal, and Dreadtime Stories.  Also I got Bob Harper's new book for my mom because she loves him (although she does not need to diet!) and a cool graphic book about Economics.  Just check out my BEA shelf on Goodreads.

Phew!  Hope you got through all that, but if not hopefully you at least made it to the end so that you can add your link!

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  1. Wow! how many books! :) I'm sure you had a good time in BEA ;)

  2. I seemed to have picked up a quite a few books for you ;) I see a few books in my borrowing future.

  3. So many books... that I plan to borrow. We need to plan a weekend readathon weekend where spend two days reading (but get a little sleep) and eating junk food and writing reviews.

  4. color me green, that's an impressive haul!

    I spent the morning with Polar Reaction by Claire Thompson. Antarctic Deep Ice project is ending but the plane out leaves three of the scientists behind while they take back some equipment. Three men. Two gay, one clueless, two with a previous something. . . Blizzard rolls in and the plane is delayed....HOT! But what happens when they are rescued and back to their regular life in the States. Seattle isn't that far from Carmel, is it?

  5. Great haul!!!

  6. I took notes while reading this post so that I wouldn't forget what I wanted to comment on!
    Love the tote, I'm reading Brother Odd right now and will hopefully be all caught up by the end of July, I listened to the audio version of Legend when Tracy and I went to Austin and I remember liking it a lot, I'm very intrigued by the Molly Ringwald book, also interested in your thoughts on the Rachel Cohn book because other than the books she writes with David Levithan I haven't given her a second chance after You Know Where To Find Me, Love the new cover for An Abundance of Katherines, I want to get The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore just because I like the title, and lastly I can't believe you got an audio version of Anna Dressed in Blood! I just looking for it on audible the other day because I wanted to listen to it for the Friday the 13th in July but they don't have it!

    Okay, those are all the notes I've got! Have a great weekend Kate!

  7. Seeing them all like that makes it seem like so many! Well, I guess it is. ;) Look at the pretty copy of Odd Apocalypse!

  8. Kate I see that we got some of the same books. Of course there is a few that you got that I am totally jealous about :) OMG you have to email me about the cover of that book LOL

  9. Wow, looks like you got a lot of great books! I'll be looking forward to your reviews :)

  10. Nice, very nice! I got SHADOW OF NIGHT too - so excited to read that one after the way DISCOVERY OF WITCHES ended. Also I really love the tote you bought. :)

  11. Shiz, Kate, you made off like a bandit! I'm so excited to read Ten, The Spindlers, Unraveling, Origin, Black City, Venom, Time Between Us, Masque of the Red Death, and The Wishing Spell. I can't wait to see what you think of those, and I hope you enjoy all the books you got! ;)


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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