Saturday, May 18, 2013


I've been soooo neglectful lately of my blog.  I'm reading, but I haven't been keeping up with reviews or other blogs like I should.  I've been working a lot, and... I've been watching a lot of HLN and following the Jodi Arias case because I am a trial junkie and I can no longer deny it. The downside is that this trial has been going on for months now, and even though it's in the penalty phase, it's still being drawn out. 

But as of today, and thru the rest of this month, I will be posting something book related EVERY DAY!  It's okay, you can be impressed. ;) Consider it a countdown to my BEA trip, when I get to hang with so many of you bookish lovelies!!

So, I'm sort of doing Bout of Books, although my goals have gone out the window.  Here's what I'm reading: 
Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore, which is amazing! 

I'm listening to The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.  I'm going to be featuring it as part of my Book STD feature, which you have to check out.  There's a giveaway and only 2 entries so far!  All you have to do is review a book that a friend made you read, or feature a book you want everyone in the world to read.  This will be a monthly giveaway.

This week I need to pack for BEA, because a week from tomorrow I head to New York!! I'm taking my very first train trip, so I'm very excited about it (let's ignore the train accident that happened up North recently, okay?). 

I'm also turning 36 this month, on May 22nd.  I am less excited about this, but I do love birthdays. 

So, dear ones, what is up with you? 
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  1. Glad to have you back! I have been watching the trial as well, and I'm so glad the verdict was guilty. I so wish I could go to BEA but I sadly can't be there to experience it's awesomeness. I hope you have a good time though :)

  2. Happy Early Birthday my friend. Sprinkling Canadian magic your way :) See you soon

  3. I can not wait for BEA and woohoo! birthday! I'll buy you dessert at PinkBerry to celebrate!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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