Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sundays in Bed With... Sweet Salt Air

 Welcome to my Sundays In Bed With... Meme! The meme that dares to ask, what book has been in your bed this morning?  Come share what book you've spent time curled up reading in bed, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

This morning I'm reading:
Sweet Salt Air by Barbara Delinsky

This is actually an ARC and doesn't come out until June 18th, but I have a feeling I'm going to see a lot of copies of this book when I go to the beach in August.  It has that beach read feeling- and one of the main characters is a food blogger (she's always taking pictures of food before eating it, which totally reminded me of taking pictures of books with drinks when I read at Panera or Starbucks).  I'm just a few chapters in, and although it's not a type of book I normally read, I'm surprised by how much I'm liking it.  Ultimately it's a book about friendship, and I think as we age- especially once we hit our 30's- we start to truly appreciate what a gift true friendship is.   Also the book takes place on an island off of Maine and now I'm worried that Fenwick Island in Delaware is not going to compare well when it comes time for vacation. There should be a special island just for book bloggers to vacation at, and every little cottage should have a well stocked library.  And we should only have to pay what we can afford to pay in order to vacation there.  Someone smarter and hardworking then me- look into this!
I'm also finishing up Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore (less than 50 pages to go!) and I think if I power through today I can finish the last 5 hours of The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss so that my Bout of Books won't be a complete failure. 

Be sure to check out and participate in my Book STD challenge! 

What are you reading (or wish you had time to read) this morning? Are you reading the book you thought you'd be reading, or has today found you with a surprise? Link up below! I'm going to try running this more like a blog hop, so feel free to add the link in your meme posts!
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  1. Wow -- I haven't read a Barbara Delinsky book in ages and I might just have to try that one!

    See you soon:)

    1. I've never read one before, so this will be my first Delinsky experience!

  2. It's cool and rainy up here...a perfect day to read. In between chores I've been reading NOS4A2 by Joe Hill.

  3. Based on the cover, not the sort of book I usually pick up, but now I want to go to the beach and read!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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