Thursday, May 3, 2012

Feature and Follow #95

I must be feeling particularly social this week, maybe because it's only a month until I'll be in NYC for BEA, but I'm doing Alison Can Read and Parajunkee's Feature and Follow.

Q. What is one thing you wish you could tell your favorite author?

A. I'm not really a stalker, Mr. King.
It's true, I'm not a stalker.  I am far too lazy to stalk people.  Although, I have a feeling I'd probably have to explain to several of my favorite authors that I'm not a stalker because I fear I give off that Annie Wilkes vibe (but that's preposterous because I can't stand the sound of breaking bones... or even cracking knuckles).

Sigh, I am really going to have to practice a non-crazy yet still admiring smile for BEA.  A smile that says, yes, I love your books, but no, I'm not going to kidnap you and chain you to my guest bed until you write a novel just for me.  So far, mirror results have shown little progress.  I'll keep working at it, because the only thing worse than giving a creepy smile to authors is not smiling at all and looking scary/intense.

Ugh, why can't the BEA be a masked ball?  I look good in masks.

So, if my answer hasn't scared you away and you've decided to give me a follow, just let me know and I'll return it!  

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  1. Don't worry about being creepy at BEA. Book people are naturally weird :)

    New GFC follower. My FF.

  2. It's all in the eyes!!!!! Don't let your eyes get too wide! If in doubt, I'll lend you my big sunglasses.

  3. Ahaha, you haven't scared me away at all :D In fact, I did a double follow just because of the awesomeness! Lol, you not-stalker you!

    My #FF

  4. Lol, I loved Misery :D

    Have fun at BEA! *smile*

  5. You didn't scare me away! I became a follower, so you did a good job with your answer!

  6. LOL! I think we all feel this way about our favorite authors. If you can't get the smile right you can always embrace the crazy. ;)

  7. {if i'm commenting i'm a follower}

    I absolutely love your blog graphics!! Thank you for Sharing :)


  8. We never have any book events in Australia. :( I'm jealous.

    New GFC follower
    My Follow Friday

  9. Great answer . . . although I think King, more than anybody, is aware of the fine line between fan and stalker. :)

    New follower. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. HAHAH! I am SO on the same page as you! I feel like any author that I love and meet I'm going to have to try to clarify that ohmigosh YES I love them, but NO I promise no restraining order is necessary.

    Keep practicing in the mirror. I believe in you!

    New follower! Feel free to stop by my FF!

  11. Lol! I think you'll be okay. Just practice some very sane things to say and try not to choke when you have that breakfast with John Green. I'm one to talk, though - I get so clammed up when I meet anyone famous that I don't really say anything at all! And I can't imagine going to something like BEA - all those authors in one place? Yikes, I'd probably pee my pants. Hmm, maybe we should't try to go together next year. You with the crazy eyes and me with the pee stain? Everyone would be running! ;)

  12. I'm sure all the authors at BEA will be entirely charmed by you! You don't have a thing to worry about! ...but you do have an inner stalker, just so you know, you aren't entirely innocent!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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