Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29: Top Ten Books Written In The Past 10 Years That I Hope People Are Still Reading In 30 Years

Top Ten Tuesdays is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
Today's Top Ten is: 

 Top Ten Books Written In The Past 10 Years That I Hope People Are Still Reading In 30 Years

I struggled a bit with this.  I read so many books, and I read all sorts of genres.  I tried to choose books that I thought would age well.  There's a reason that Pride and Prejudice still registers with so many people, or why Shakespeare's plays will never disappear from our theaters or English classes.  I'm not saying I picked the next Jane Austens or William Shakespeares, but in my mind these books are worthy of longevity.

1. The Harry Potter Series
Yes, I know.  The first book was over 10 years ago, that's why I just went with the series.  I also know that this will be on a lot of lists, which pretty much assures that we'll all be sharing these books with our kids, grandchildren, and future little punk street urchins for generations to come.

2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
This will be, and should be, on lots of lists too.  I get it, I'm not terribly original.  But I envision a future where my kids aren't playing tag in the front yard, but playing their own watered down version of Hunger Games instead.

3. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
This book is magical and lovely.  It's timeless, and I'm not going to let it fade away! Reveurs, unite!

4. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
Oh, Odd one, I know that some of my friends haven't appreciated you for the wonderful character you are, but there will be more love to come from new readers, and new generations of readers.  Let's just hope the movie doesn't suck, okay?

5. Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen
Another magical book, another author I'd love to share with the world and the world's future readers.  Haven't read any of her books?  Why the hell not?!

6. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Simply awesome.  It's a futuristic book crammed with 1980's nostalgia, and I don't think that will ever go out of style! Let's just hope jelly shoes don't make a comeback, because those are not fun shoes to wear in the summertime.

7. The Millennium Series by Stieg Larrson
Oh, Midnighters, my heart is still saddened that this amazing author died before he could complete all the books he envisioned with Lisbeth Salander, but I believe the three books he did write have earned their place in literary history.  It almost makes me want to get a dragon tattoo, so that I can be The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo... almost...

8. Chime by Franny Billingsley
I really struggled with picking what YA books would, and should, longer on, but Chime has an interesting historical feel to it that I think will withstand the test of time well.  I really loved this book and the writing, so I'd like to see it stay in circulation forever!

9. A Song of Fire and Ice Series by George R. R. Martin
Yes, I'm cheating a bit again, since A Game of Thrones came out over ten years ago.  The series is still going strong and with the HBO series and graphic novels, I think the books will continue to be read in the future.  I hope!

10. Fire by Kristin Cashore
I liked Gracling, and I'm sure I'll like Bitterblue, but I loved Fire.  With Fire, Cashore has locked in my reading loyalties forever.  So even if she writes a crappy book now and then, I won't abandon her.  I think Fire is a book that could still be read 30 or a 100 years from now.

Now this is just my opinion, and I think by now ya'll realize that it's not the color of the sky in my world, but the lack of oxygen that's troubling.  So feel free to share the books you'd like to survive our ever evolving culture, our short attention spans, our fads, and end up on the bookshelves of a generation not yet born!

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  1. Looove Ready Player One and cheating is okay. :) And way to rub it in.

    1. I actually love that we have similar, but not the same, tastes in books. I've read lots of good books because of friends like you and Kim, but we're not always going to love the same characters. So, I'll keep my hands (mostly) off the goth boys, and Odd will remain mine. Everyone's happy... until it comes to a Mr. Darcy or Four smack down.

  2. Kate those are a great list of books. *Hangs head down in shame* I have some of those books and have yet to read them. See you soon

  3. I promise that I will read The Night Circus someday. And Ready Player One (you know I'm down with the 80's) and Odd Thomas. I need more hours in the day. No list would be complete without Harry Potter, that would be wrong! I wish I would have put the Millennium series on my list, even though I haven't yet read the third book. Which makes my mom really sad. I don't care for my mom being sad so I'm probably bringing that one with me to NY.

  4. I agree with many of these and some I haven't read. I like how you call your followers "Midnighters" - cute!

  5. I have read 3 of them so far and 2 more are on my TBR! Great list! :)

  6. I'm so glad to see Ready Player One. I need to check out Fire. Great list!

  7. Oh my goodness! How could I have forgotten The Hunger Games Series!!!! Serious oversight on my part! I am a Dean Koontz fan but I have not read Odd Thomas. My Mom has though and she loved it. I need to read it soon!

  8. Wow! I think you've definitely called it! I'm sure a lot of these will be around in 30 years! Odd better be! If the movie is bad I think I'm gonna lose it!

  9. Great list, Kate! I have read most of these, and the ones I haven't read are on my TBR list! And yeah, I think Harry Potter will definitely still be known years from now, especially as today's Potterheads grow and have children and pass on their love of the series to future generations. I know I'll be reading the books to my son, and he already points out Harry and Dumbledore if he sees a picture of them! ;)

  10. Odd Thomas would be on my list too! And I think I'll go ahead and add Ready Player One to my tbr shelf but I have know idea when I'll ever get to it

  11. Interesting choice!I was put Fire on my TBR list.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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