Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nook Color Test Drive

I am trying to see if taking my Nook Color to BEA would give me enough internet access since I'm not bringing my laptop. I will schedule some blog posts during my time in NYC, but I want the option to write a post if there's something I just can't wait to share. Spell check does not seem to work though, so have patience and put those red pens away!
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  1. Oooh, good idea! I'm taking my Kindle Fire on our cruise and I don't think I'll be taking my laptop. I'm going to schedule posts ahead of time, too, but it would be nice to be able to use the Kindle if I needed to. Thanks for that!

    1. Will you review your kindle fire? I'm thinking of getting one, but not sure I'll use it since I already have a kindle keyboard and a very portable laptop.

    2. I kind of reviewed it on my review of Intangible, since it was the first book I read on my Kindle Fire. Not really a detailed review, though...

  2. You wrote that on your nook!!! I'm jealous!

  3. I seem to remember that BEA charged for wi-fi access last year, but not 100% positive. Check to see if your hotel offers free wi-fi, as then you could make notes throughout the day and then post when you get back to your room. Can't wait to see how it works out, as I keep forgetting that the color has web access!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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