Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog Hop March 25th

It's been awhile since my last hop so I thought it was time to participate once again:

This week's question comes from Mina who blogs at Mina Burrows:

 "If you could physically put yourself into a book or series…which one would it be and why?"
Hmm... this is a hard one for me.  My friend Courtney picked Harry Potter, and I'm tempted to answer what as well, but I don't want to be a copy cat.  I guess then I'd have to choose the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz.  I would love to be a friend to Odd Thomas, to help him out on his journey to save the world a little at a time.  Plus, despite the heat, Pico Mundo sounds like a terribly interesting place to live.  I'd want to be friends with Little Ozzie, to bring treats to Terrible Chester in the hopes that he wouldn't pee on my shoes, and  to eat some pancakes that Odd's whipped up just for me.  
Now also for my 30 days of horror challenge being hosted by Dollar Bin Horror:
Day 03 - Your favorite slasher movie:

I like all kinds of horror movies but slashers aren't normally top of my list.  That said, I really liked the horror of the Hostel movies.  But out of the two I preferred Hostel 2.  I felt like the main character had more of a storyline and background.  I liked that she was a lesbian, although it would have been nice if she'd been a little more comfortable with that and more open.  Normally in a horror film, lesbianism is used only for orgy plots, so its nice to see gay main characters that aren't constantly nude or stereo-types.  Plus, I love the ending of Hostel 2, because I love any horror movie that has an element of revenge to it.  I don't know what that says about me, but feel free to interpret away!

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  1. I read my very first Dean Koontz book just a couple of weeks ago. It was Velocity and I absolutely loved it, so I'll have to check out the Odd Thomas series!

  2. I've tried changing the color and my text on my blog still isn't showing up. I'm not going to worry about it though because I didn't have time to add my link on the linky so I doubt anyone will stop by.

    When I was answering the question I was looking at it as if the characters of the book weren't a factor. I would want to live in Hogwarts even if I didn't get to meet Harry or Ron or *sigh* Neville!
    Pico Mundo would be a really fun place to live, small town vibe and all, but all that heat!?! I wouldn't be able to handle it for long.

  3. Okay, I went back and redid it so I think you can read it now. Plus I added a paragraph about Whitethorn woods!

  4. I read Odd Thomas awhile back. It was a good story, and Pico Mundo is a town I'd like to explore, but I just couldn't handle the book's ending. I hear that things get better as the series continues, but I just can't bring myself to pick up the next book.

  5. I've been meaning to read the Odd Thomas series. Hmm. Maybe I should...

  6. Haven't heard of Odd Thomas...sounds interesting...I love these hops to find new book ideas.

    Stop by my blog if you like....I HAD to name three different books. :)

    Have a fun hop.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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