Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sundays In Bed With... The Princess Bride

Good morning, Midnighters!  Hopefully you're curled up in bed with a good book, and this is the meme to share your Sunday reads.  Let me know what you're reading today, or what book you wish you had the time to read today.

I just got back from vacation.  Of course I took more books than I could possibly read, but between spending time with my husband, my family, swimming in the ocean and watching the Olympics, I only read 2 books.  I know, you've a right to be ashamed. 

Also, I was looking for a kitty to add to our family.  Our girl kitty, Joey, died back in December and until recently we (and by "we" I mean the Hubs) wasn't ready to get a new companion for our male cat.  I decided it was time though when my husband insisted on bringing our cat Riley on vacation because while he'd been fine with a cat sitter in the past, leaving Riley all alone for hours was not something the Hubs could stomach. 

So Riley came to the beach... he did not enjoy the six hour drive, and he was less than thrilled with all the noise of my nieces and nephews running around the house.  The Hubs reluctantly green lighted Project Find Riley a Little Sister.  And I did.

This is our new kitty, Alabama (or Allie) with my Sundays In Bed With... read, The Princess Bride by William Goldman.  She just woke up, so she's a little blurry eyed, and it is one of the first times I've been able to get her to sit still long enough to take a picture. Alabama gets her name from The Hubs favorite movie, True Romance... which is fitting because Joey got her name after one of the Hubs favorite bands, The Ramones. 

Even though vacation reading was a failure and I have tons of books to read, I still wanted to re-read The Princess Bride (which I may or may not have been reading aloud to our new little fur baby).  It's one of my all time favorite movies, but the book is even better.  It's kind of fitting, since the first time I bought and read the book was at the beach I just got back from.  If you haven't read it, you are really missing out!

Now it's time to let me know what you're reading!  Join in the meme with the linky below, or leave a comment.  I know Sundays can be busy days for us, so it can just be a book you wish you were reading today.  And if you want, take a picture of your book in bed!


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  1. You ONLY read two books, I feel insulted hahahaahaha I wish I could spend time with my family, watch the Olympics, swim and still have time to read not only one, but two books. That would be awesome!!! :)

    I hope you're enjoying your book.

    Happy reading!

  2. Alabama is adorable! And I love The Princess Bride! Great picks on both! I'm glad you had such a good time at the beach even if you didn't get to read as much as you would have hoped!

  3. Your new kitty is sooooo cute! I wish I could get my cat a companion kitty but she'd freak! Enjoy The Princess Bride, it's great!

  4. D'awwwwww Alabama! I can't wait to meet the new baby kitty. I have never read The Princess Bride - another one to put on the to-read list.

  5. I'm so annoyed that I didn't get a chance to participate this week. I'm completely jealous that you're at the beach. I've never read The Pricess Bride, but your kitty is adorable.

  6. I'm so sorry that you lost your kitty in the Spring, but your new one is soooo cute. I'm trying to get my husband to get another kitty. The story of Riley going on vacation is hysterical. (We had a dog named Riley once).

    I have such wonderful memories of the Princess Bride because my father gave it to me.

  7. Ha -- better late than never on the linking. The Princess Bride is a great book and your kitty is adorable.
    Have fun at the beach!

  8. I'm ashamed to say that I've never read The Princess Bride. Alabama looks so cute, sitting all pretty with the book :)

  9. Such a cute kitty! I've never read The Princess Bride, but I love the movie! I'll have to read it someday!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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