Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Bookish Confessions

When I saw the theme for this week, I just had to join in!  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  Today's question is:

Top Ten Bookish Confessions
Everyone has at least one bookish confession (and in my case I have six). Join us in spilling our deepest held secrets around one of our most beloved pastimes. Everyone has a bookish confession. What's yours? If you have one feel free to share it, if not feel free to commiserate with ours -Julia

1. I used BookSwim (which is like Netflix for books) for over a year simply because I am so horrible about returning library books on time and am afraid that they have me on some national library fine registry. Eventually I stopped using BookSwim because I was convinced I could do better at the library, and I did for awhile...

2. You know those 100 Books You Should Read Before You Die or 100 YA Books You Should Read Before You Die lists?  I always feel pressure to cheat on those.  I will often say I've read the His Dark Material series, but I actually quit a 1/4th of the way into the third book.  But I still count it.  And Wuthering Heights and Dracula, never gotten through either of them but I feel I've made enough attempts to count them.

3.  I love requesting books on NetGalley... I suck at actually reading the books I get approved for.

4. I used to read books aloud, imagining I had written them and was reading them to my fans/classmates/orphanage.

5. I don't read while I eat... I eat while I read.  Sometimes I will purposely eat food that's easier to handle with one hand if I'm reading a paperback.

6.  I love going to the book store and picking a pile of books off the shelves.  Then I like to sit down and read the beginning of each book, determining which ones are good enough to come home with me.

7.  I have read a lot of books for free at Barnes and Noble, and I don't feel guilty about it. Most stand out titles: Eating the Cheshire Cat, Living Dead Girl and Perfect.

8.  Some of the books that I display on my shelf aren't necessarily books I enjoyed reading, it's just I want people to know I've read them. On the flip side, there are definitely books I don't display for the opposite reason.

9. I totally read in the bathroom.

10.  I like big books, and I cannot lie, you other bloggers can't deny...

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  1. Oh yes, I'm the same as you concerning NetGalley. I request them and then... yeah. :D

    1. I know! I think I'm just always surprised when they say yes...

  2. Why do you have to be so funny? I'm cheesing so hard right now. Number 4 and number 10 are my faves. I will have to check out BookSwim and I totally know what you mean about NetGalley! Dang. I'm trying to be better. I just get approved for things that I don't expect to be approved for.

  3. This is a hilarious list. I should look into NetGalley - i've heard so much about it. And BookSwim - which i had not heard of.
    Fun list!
    Here are my bookish confessions!

  4. I do the same thing with dinner--I am always reading so I pick my food to make it easier on myself. I am good if it is an audiobook or digital book. However paperbooks take a little more planning.

    1. I can't even tell you how many pages I've stained through poor food choices!

  5. #6 and #10 are my favorites. You are hilarious, girl! :)

    1. I used to think that Weird Al would come along and hire me to write song parodies with him, but that has yet to happen!

  6. I'm the same way with Netgalley. I request books like crazy, but I think I've only read one book completely through. So bad.

  7. #10=lmao. I would never read a book in the bookstore because the judgmental eyes of the bookkeepers would freak me out, haha.

    Here's Ours

    1. I love, love, love curling up in a bookstore with a good book- my advice, bring a sweater because they will try to freeze you out!

  8. at one point or another I will end up reading a book out loud. And I just confessed to Kim a few weeks ago that I am usually imagining that I'm reading the books to my future kids or students.
    And as for #10, I don't like big books! Anything over 300 makes me nervous and anything over 500 is downright intimidating!

    1. Yeah, I know how I said "I used to imagine" but really, it's not past tense. I still do it. I don't know how to help you with your page fear, other than to remind you that sometimes the best stories are over 500 pages- the last few HP books, Outlander, etc!

  9. Anyone who says they don't read in the bathroom is a fibber!

    And really, if you weren't meant to read in a book store, why do they have those comfy chairs, hmmmm? ;-)

    I heart big books! Bigger the better!

  10. I used to do 5, until a very unfortunate incident involving a cup of tea and In The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson. Totally do 6. Used to do 7 until I was reading If I Stay and started sobbing uncontrollably in the reference section at Barnes and Noble.

    Great list!

  11. Whoa, I've never heard of BookSwim. Hmmm. WAIT, DON'T NEED IT. I HAVE TOO MANY BOOKS ALREADY!

    Oh, I totally sometimes cheat on those lists too. I've read 3/5 Hitchhiker's Books. Does it count? What if I'm not sure if I read all of the books? Sigh. TOO COMPLICATED.

    Bahahaha, me too. I'm awful about NG. This is why I'm going to quite using it. Well, that, and the preponderance of christian fiction.

    So I totally read books aloud, sometimes for imaginary audiences. :)

    One-handed food. Yup.

    There are some books I keep even though I'll never read them again, because DAMNIT I ACCOMPLISHED THAT.

    Who doesn't read in the bathroom?


  12. I need to do your, read the first couple of chapters thing. I always just buy books without even peeking inside. How stupid is that?!

  13. I've never heard of BookSwim. But I just realized how fantastic my library is so I'll be trying to use that more often. Totally agree with you on #5. #6 is a great idea. And yes, I also read in the bathroom. I actually get upset if I don't bring a book and it turns out I need to be in there for a while... ;)

    BTW, you do know that Jessie from The Daily Bookmark and I are about to host another readalong and this time we're reading the His Dark Materials series, right? You should totally join in and then you can cross that off the stretching the truth list. ;) His Dark Materials Readalong and Giveaway

  14. BookSwim would not be for me. I totally cheat on those lists too, I'm sure everyone does, it's ok. I forget about NetGalley all the time. I now take your advice of read a boook for a bit before buying it. Best idea ever! I now have that song stuck in my head.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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