Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sundays In Bed With... The Raven Boys Giveaway!

Welcome to my Sundays in Bed With... Meme where I share what book I'm currently curled up with (or, as the case is today, what book I wish I had time to spend reading in bed this morning).

But now through Sunday September 16th each time you participate in my meme you'll be entered to win an ARC of Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys!  This contest is open internationally.  Simply share what you're reading today, and each Sunday thru 9/16 and earn an entry.  Link up to your post each Sunday to the Mister Linky area at the bottom.  You will get an extra entry if you take a picture of the book you're reading (or wish you had the time to read) in your actual bed or wherever you are holed up this morning.  Here's what I'm reading:
My dog Emmy and my cat Riley staring each other down over my copy of The Raven Boys.  The Hubs and I tried to get our new kitten, Alabama, in the picture but she was running around like a lunatic.  It should be noted that this is as close as Emmy gets to Riley on purpose, because he's bigger than she is and she's terrified of him almost 99% of the time.  

I'm really loving The Raven Boys, plus it's set in Virginia.  When I was at BEA I was careful not to be too greedy with the books, and this is the only one I took more than one of (well, except the Michael Kortya book, but that was an accident!) to giveaway.  Looking forward to seeing what you're reading in bed this morning!

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  1. I love how they are staring each other down. Glad your liking The Raven Boys, I may have to borrow it. ;)

  2. My dog is so spooked out by cats! Glad that all your guys get along.
    I also really wish I were still reading in bed! Today, that's not happening :)
    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Riley has Emmy dog whipped, unless I'm yelling at him, then Emmy's my little barking enforcer!

  3. Your pets really don't look very happy with each other. I'll have to participate in this now. I want to win this book!

    1. Don't be fooled, the cat is delighted with himself and Emmy's quivering fear. ;)

  4. Very excited about your giveaway Kate! Hopefully I'll get to read this one!

    1. Even if you don't, I'll send my copy your way to read. I really liked it, so much more than the Shiver series.

  5. I am reading Criminal by Karin Slaughter

    follow via gfc

  6. I am so freaking psyched to read this book!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I love your blog...such great posts.

    I am going to join this meme.


    Found you on the Partners in Crime Host List....sure glad I did. I am on the list as well.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. I've actually been following your blog for awhile- your blog header is just breathtaking! Thank you for joining my meme! My friends and I are doing our own weekend readathon, so my meme picture will be a petless, and probably feature the couch I'm crashing on! ;)

  8. Nice idea for the giveaway! I'll be participating this week, since I post every other day and therefore this meme comes around every other week for me! :D


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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