Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Book Reading Companions Challenge

Reading is seldom a solitary activity if you have pets, so here's mine:

Riley (our first born) This picture does not do him justice.  He is HUGE, I'm pretty sure that makes us bad kitty parents...

Joey (she's a girl). Believe it or not, her eyes have never actually popped out of socket, but they do bulge a bit.


Emmy, our third and final baby. She's a chi-weenie.  She's usually right up against me, cowering from Riley.  He's a bit of a bully.

And I must not forget my favorite baby of all: The Hubs

So, there you have it.  My reading companions.  Don't forget to check out this mini-challenge here.

Good reading to all!

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  1. Give those pets a big hug for keeping your company, okay hubby too! Enjoy many more hours of reading. Thanks for entering the challenge.

  2. You know, I' not real into pets, but I love love love those picture.s Those cats are so cute!

  3. Aww, your pets are so cute! We have a HUGE mama cat, too. Hope you're enjoying the day!

  4. Looks like you're doing great so far! Good luck in the rest of the read-a-thon!

  5. Aww, looks like you've got some quality in-home cheerleaders! Good luck with the rest of the reading :-)

  6. My animals tend to only want me when I am reading. So annoying! lol Happy reading!

  7. What great companions! I'm sure they are helping you out :)

    Happy reading!

  8. We're coming up on the final quarter! You've done great so far-see it through to the end! You can do it!

  9. Adorable kitties! Mine helped me read when I did the read-a-thon a day early :)

  10. Thanks for all the wonderful words of encouragement! I didn't get to do as much reading as I wanted, but I will plan for the one in April much better. I have another busy day ahead, but I will try to get a post-readathon post up by tomorrow morning.

  11. Awwwwwwww... you've got so many cute babies hanging around you. The last pic is very sweet. :D


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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