Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday In Bed With... The Eyre Affair (and final chance for The Raven Boys giveaway!)

Welcome to my Sundays in Bed With... Meme where I share what book I'm currently curled up with (or, as the case is today, what book I wish I had time to spend reading in bed this morning).

Today is my 3rd Blogoversary!  A huge thanks to all my friends and followers who have kept me reading and posting!!!

Now through Sunday September 16th (today!) each time you participate in my meme you'll be entered to win an ARC of Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys!  This contest is open internationally.  Simply share what you're reading today, and each Sunday thru 9/16, and earn an entry.  Link up to your post each Sunday to the Mister Linky area at the bottom.  You will get an extra entry if you take a picture of the book you're reading (or wish you had the time to read) in your actual bed or wherever you are holed up this morning.  I finished The Raven Boys several weeks ago, and it is easily one of my favorite books of 2012!  Here's the pic I posted three weeks ago (don't worry though, the copy I will send to the winner will not have been sat upon by Riley cat):

Here's what I'm curled up reading:

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Ffjorde.  I'm reading it for book club, but it's a re-read for me.  I'm enjoying it more the second time around, because while I enjoyed it the first time, I was a bit confused.  It's giving me an idea for a Readathon challenge...

So let my know what you're curled up with this morning (or wish you were!), just add your link below!

**Winner for The Ravens Boy arc will be announced by on Friday the 21st and book will be mailed to the winner at that time**

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  1. Happy Blogoversary. Mine is coming up soon! I'll come back and see if you have the linky up later on....

    1. This happened last week too! I put it in, it was there in the preview, but then when I set it up to post it disappears! It should be there now. Thanks, Jen! Fortunately I'm home today, last weekend I didn't have access to fix it! ;)

  2. Happy birthday Midnight Book Girl! I am all about Carrie today! Maybe I'll reread The Eyre Affair someday...

    1. Thanks, Bittner! You reading Carrie is like a blogoversary gift!

  3. Happy Blogoversary! I enjoy a good re-read every now and again too.

  4. Happy Blogoversary a few days late! You've got an awesome blog--keep up the fantastic work! I'll be following you as long as you're blogging! :D

  5. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! And I'm LOVING The Raven Boys at the moment.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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