Friday, September 7, 2012

Hop and Follow Friday: Series and What I'm Reading

Book Blogger Hop

It's time to HOP! Stop by Crazy For Books and join in on the fun!

Question: What book series do you never want to see end?

I rarely ever want series to end!  But here's the ones I want to go to infinity and beyond:

Harry Potter series by J K Rowling, it's not over for me, people!

The Heather Wells series by Meg Cabot

The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich- I feel that this series could survive Plum getting married and becoming a mom, I'm just not ready to let go of Grandma and Lula!

The John Wayne Cleaver series by Dan Wells, because demon hunting serial killers should never stop!

There's probably more, but that's all I can think of right now. If you're hopping, let me know, and if you give a follow, I'll follow you back!

What series do you never want to see end?

It's been too long since I've done a Feature and Follow too, but with Readathon almost here and my 3rd Blogoversary coming on the 16th of this month, I'm feeling the need to connect with the blogging community (and, okay, yeah, I'd like to read 500 GFC followers this month because I'm shallow and easy to please).

This week's Feature and Follow question is:

Q: What book(s) are you reading right now? What do you think of it?

  As always, I'm reading tons of books all at once!  I'm hosting a Carrie by Stephen King readalong, but I'm also participating in an It by Stephen King readalong too.  I'm almost halfway thru It, which is my goal for this month's discussion, and I'm just starting Carrie.  I got The Archived by Victoria Schwab in the mail yesterday for an ARC tour, so I need to start that today.  Plus I'm reading Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris that Kim was sweet enough to let me borrow.  I was listening to Kill You Twice by Chelsea Cain, but I'm putting it on hold until I'm done with It.  While I can read lots of books at once, I can't really listen to two at once because I have limited audio book time.  However, I am both listening to and reading It in physical form.  I wish I could just spend two days listening to Steven Webber read It, but sadly my family just wouldn't understand. 

It and Carrie are both re-reads, and I love them both for various reasons, and I probably love It a little more each time I read it.  Now that I'm the same age that the Loser's Club members are in 1985, I'm connecting on a whole other level.  Deadlocked is good so far, but I'm worried by how much time Bill is getting.  I don't think Sookie will end up with Eric at the end of the series, but if it's Bill I will throw up all over the last book.  Throw up!  It's too soon to tell with The Archived, but the summary is so promising!

What are you reading?  New or old follower?  Let me know and I'll follow you back!

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  1. I probably should not publicly admit this.

    Well maybe I won't.

    I haven't read the Harry Potter books.

    There, I said it.

    I also need to read the Plum books. I've wanted to for a while. I've just never gotten the chance!

  2. It's okay Jennifer, your book friends are probably already staging a Harry Potter invention for you. Snape knows, I've been through it with some of my book club girls, with both Harry Potter and the Hunger Games. They've all come through the other side much happier! ;) The Plum books are a lot of fun, and they'd make good readathon selections!

  3. Harry Potter is not over yet for me! I'm still in the middle of the movie and book series. I'm savoring each moment. New Follower.

    Sydney @ Starry Storm

  4. Harry Potter was one of my picks too.. I just loved it so much and hated to see it end!

    My Hop

  5. That's an interesting question. I actually like when series end so I guess my answer would be none. I do like when authors continue with novellas after a series has ended (Kelley Armstrong for example) It's a way of staying in touch with characters without dragging things out too long.

  6. I'm just way too scared to read "It". The horrible 80s movie scared me enough. :)
    I'm trying to not read the last 3 Harry Potter books right away because I want to savor them. :)

  7. The archived <3 I want to read that one so badly! Happy reading ^^

    Visit my FF.

  8. I'm trying to find an audio of Carrie that I can take with me in my car since my computer isn't set up to burn things off Also, even though I get sad when certain series have ended, I still think endings are needed. They are a crucial part to they life cycle and if books went on forever they stray further away from the original intentions. At least, that is my opinion. Although I am kind of shocked Odd Thomas didn't make the cut on your list.

  9. You should seriously spoil that series for me. :) i want to know... bill or eric???? and for series that won't end... just... yes!

  10. I do like Janet Evanovich books. Good choice.

    Have a fun hop. I have two giveaways that are ending tomorrow if you want to stop by.

    Silver's Reviews

  11. Here for Feature and Follow Friday. New GFC Follower!
    My FF
    ~Caitlin :)

  12. Omg a Hell Yes to Harry Potter! It's probably the one series that I'm seriously really extra sad that ended. Is it wrong to hope that her new book is such an awful bad flop so that she has a good reason to return to HP world?

    I am amazed at how fast you can accumulate followers. I am totally stuck and I'm not sure what to do to get unstuck.

    If Sookie (Suk-eh) ends up with Bill I will throw up too. I'm thinking (hoping) she ends up with Sam because I agree, she's probably not going to end up with Eric.

  13. Hello! Stopping by from Parajunkee & Alison Can Read's hop. New follower, please follow me back at

  14. Used to read everything King wrote. Love his older stuff the best, although I haven't re-read anything. I'm enjoying 11/22/63 a lot! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I love the Stephanie Plum books- they are so funny. I have the first Heather Wells book but I haven't read it yet. I am a new follower.

  16. As of right now I'd say I don't want the Odd Thomas books to end but I haven't read the latest one yet....

  17. Oh My Gosh!! Love your blog!! New Follower! My FF! <3
    Michelle @ Mom With A Kindle

  18. Hi! I'm doing this blog hop too. It is my first :-)

    I'm following you.



Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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