Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sundays In Bed With...Bloggiesta and Bookcases!

Sorry this is so late, but I stayed up late doing Bloggiesta things.  So I wasn't really reading in bed, but rather sleeping. ;)

Sundays In Bed With.. is my meme to share what we're curled up with in bed reading (or rather, what book we'd like to be curled up in bed reading if only our busy lives would allow!).  I actually will be working on Bloggiesta today and also traveling to Northern Virginia and back, so I won't be reading until later.  But I recently celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary so I thought I'd share some of bookish gifts I got:

The Bookcase That Kate Built!
First, the Hubs and I went to IKEA to buy some bedroom furniture, and he got me this nifty bookcase (seriously, peeps, only $25!) that would serve as a bookcase for all the books I got at BEA, plus a bit more.  Then he made me put it together myself!  Previously, he has always put my bookshelves together and I simply handed him the different screws or bolts or thingamajigs and that's the way I liked it.  But since he was putting together our new bed frame, he said now would be a good time to for me  to put together a book case by myself.  I thought he was crazy!

However, it turns out, I can do!  Okay, I long suspected that I could.  Lots of awesome women I know, and am proud to call friends, tackle household chores like they got their diplomas from Home Depot.  Truly, I've just been lazy.  But I really kind of liked putting this together.  It was pretty simple, and I used real tools, like 2 different screwdrivers (and yes, I do know the difference between a Phillips and a flat head) and a hammer.

Of course, now that I know I can put together bookcases by myself, the Hubs might be in danger or becoming redundant.  Fortunately, I still need him around to kill bees and spiders (although sometimes I deal with the spiders myself, which means I close my eyes while they scurry away to some place where I can't see them).

Also we went downtown to a local bookstore called Fountain Books where the Hubs bought me a signed, doodled copy of The Raven Boys!  Turns out Maggie Stiefvater is very artistic besides having written one of my favorite books this year!  Here's what I got:
Raven Boys
 I also picked up a zombie book, but mostly because I feel compelled to spend money in local bookstores, and not just because I wanted to read it.  And these cute magnets!  (The kitty is already ours)

Maggie Stiefvater doodle
I know, it's sideways, but I'm too lazy to fix it now!  Still, SHE DREW THAT!  She's just amazing! And although you can't see it, this book is totally on the top shelf of the bookcase that I BUILT.  Happy sigh.

So what books are you longing to spend sometime in bed with today?  Add your post to the linky below, and remember, it's always better with pictures!

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  1. I am very proud of you! I do little household stuff all the time and I like it that way, because then it gets done!!! Enjoy your new bookcase.

    1. I need to learn to do these things, but even when I was single and living on my own, I always has my brothers around so I just always called one of them. I guess it's time to get my own handy-woman belt and get to work! ;)

  2. Yay for building a bookcase all by yourself. My bookshelves are actually huge wardrobe closets from Ikea that go three rows of books back so I had help putting those together and lifting them into place.

    I love those YAY magnets I keep seeing them at Changing Hands in AZ and keep telling my boyfriend I want the YAY Straight A one if I get Straight As my first semester of my medical program. :)

    I hope you enjoy the books you got!

    1. I still have no idea how you can go after a medical degree and still make time for blogging, I am super impressed! And if you make Straight A's and your boyfriend doesn't get them for you, I will!

  3. The doodle in the book is sooo cute! And great job on the bookshelf. I've never been to IKEA but I might see if I can twist Holly's arm into going when we are in Texas next month!

    1. You HAVE to go to IKEA! It's like a furniture Disney world!

  4. Love the bookshelf! Love the doodle, I can't wait to check it out in person. I also want to point out my awesomeness in linking this week. ;)

    1. $25! It's not the Billy bookcases that we'll eventually get, but it actually holds a lot, all of BEA books and more!

  5. Ooh, want to come over next time we have to build a bookcase? I love my husband but there was way too much cursing and time spent when he put together mine. :)

    1. lol, sure I'll come over, someone needs to hold the wine bottle!

  6. Yeah... I love Maggie... Did you know that she is an award winning color pencilist? She made the trailer for the Raven Boys.... her website uses her art... she drew a water horse in my copy of The Scorpio Races and when I went to the signing she brought a painting of Sam and Grace to giveaway as a prize... not that I stalk her or anything.

    Also... I'm kind of impressed with your bookcase building skills!

  7. Very nice job on the bookshelf! Jeremy and I both like putting things together, but he normally ends up putting most things together. I occasionally will put my foot down and say, "I'm doing this one!" ;)

    I wish we had a closer IKEA. Or more stores that actually sold bookshelves! We had to go to Mathis Brothers for my most recent bookshelves, and it was one of the few stores that had bookshelves (at least the kinds that I wanted).

    And that's very cool that your book was not only signed but had that drawing in it! I bet Steph is super jealous! ;)


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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