Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feature and Follow #87

I haven't done this meme in a long time, so I thought I'd give it a whirl!

Today's question is:

Q: Have you ever looked at book’s cover and thought, This is going to horrible? But, was instead pleasantly surprised? Show us the cover and tell us about the book.

You know, gorgeous covers stick in my mind, but bad ones tend to fade in my memory.  A recent book I read who's cover I wasn't impressed by was Grave Sight by Charlaine Harris.  I was a little wary of reading this book because although I've read her Sookie Stackhouse series, I didn't know if I wanted to read about another series of books with a Sookie like heroine.  And the cover didn't really erase my doubts.

Although I do have a physical copy of this book, I ended up listening to it on audio, which is a great equalizer when it comes to book covers.  You can't hear a bad cover on audio!  And I ended up really liking Grave Sight, which features the very un-Sookie like Harper Connelly.  It felt more like a real mystery and less like a paranormal soap opera- not that I'm against paranormal soap operas, I am Team Eric after all.

Anyway, I get the whole picture frame tie in, but the colors are pastel-ish, and the title of the book is way to sloppy and hard to see with that horrible pink wallpaper behind it.  I just don't dig it.  I think maybe all the beautiful YA covers of the last few years have turned me into a cover snob.  I hope not!  Because there are plenty of pretty books that contain horrible stories inside.  But that, my friends, is a Feature and Follow topic for another day.

So, what's your Ugly Duckling cover/Beautiful Swan story pick?

And if you follow me, be sure to let me know so I can return the favor!

And please feel free to sign up for my Signed Giveaway of The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.  There's still plenty of time left, and you can give my blogger friends some follow love too!
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  1. Hopping through. Definitely a dumb looking cover. Not attractive at all.
    My Hop

  2. Yeah, that cover isn't very attractive is it? It does make me wonder why they're holding up paintings over their faces. Is it symbolic? Does it have anything to do with the story? Hmmm, well, at least it makes me curious. But that color? Ick!

    1. Jenny, there is a couple of characters that have their family pictures prominently displayed, so it has a tie to the plot. But the colors are hideous.

  3. I agree...not a great cover. Though I am glad to hear that you liked the book! I'll have to check it out.

    Check out my Follow Friday.

    1. I might actually end up liking it more than the Sookie books... Although Tolliver is no Eric.

  4. Alexander Skarsgard. Sigh. :) I haven't read this one yet, but I want to.

    1. I wonder if I'd be so vehemently Team Eric if I wasn't able to mentally picture Alexander Skarsgard when reading the Sookie books.

    2. Yes, you would! Because Alexander Skarsgard or no Alexander Skarsgard, Bill Compton is still butt face!

  5. Oh that cover! It's hideous and intriguing at the same time!! But so are all of Charlaine's book covers ;)

    New GFC follower :)

    Here's my #FF .

  6. Harris has a lot of hideous covers!! New follower here...I love your blog, I added your button to my blogroll :)
    My Friday Hops

    1. Thanks for the follow! I'll be returning the favor. :)

  7. I would pick...

    The Host by Stephanie Meyer (loved the book--hated the cover)
    Kiss of Midnight by Lara Adrian

    1. The Host cover is kind of meh for mee too. I'll check out the cover or Kiss of Midnight though!

  8. Hi there :) just hopping through.

    Agreeing with you about the cover. I just saw this one the other day and thought it may be for kids :O

    I'm also your newest follower :) Here is my choice...

    My Feature and Follow Friday

    1. Thanks Jussy! I'll hop on over and give you a follow too!

  9. Yes - those are even worse than the some of the Sookie covers! LOVE your banner - reminds me of Coraline :)

    New follower, both Linky and GFC!

    Here's our FF


    1. At least the Sookie covers normally have some glitter... wait, I made that sound like a good thing. o.O

      Thanks for the follow, I'll be returning the follow love!

  10. New Follower.
    Here is mine:

    1. Thanks, Nancy, I'll visit your site and give you a follow back!

  11. Yes this definately is an awful cover, new follower, here's mine

    1. Love the title of your blog! I'll come and give you a follow back!

  12. I like charlaine, but this cover doesn't help at all...
    I’m a new gfc follower.

    1. No, it really doesn't help. And it's not like someone didn't spend a lot of time designing this- it takes a lot of work to design that cover. Someone really should have edited the colors!

      Thanks for the follow, I'll be returning the favor!

  13. That cover is atrocious! The scifi book club did up some nice covers for the Sookie onminbus versions that I loved.

    New follower via Twitter. My FF Post.

  14. I dislike that cover too. most of the colors do not blend together well.
    I'm a new follower by GFC.
    Happy Friday!
    My FF

  15. I don't like this cover at all!

    New follower

  16. Oh, yeah, that's a bad cover. And frankly, I think it's why I haven't picked up any of her other series. But I'm glad to know that you liked it in spite of the cover!

    Team Eric all the way!

    My FF/TGIF


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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