Friday, March 30, 2012

TGIF #57

I've never participated in the meme before, but as soon as I saw the question I knew exactly the place I would take all of us bloggers to!

Here's today's question over at GReads:

Book Blogger Retreat: If you could gather up a handful of book blogger friends to spend a weekend away talking books, where would you go? Tell us about it.

Even though I now live on the East Coast, I lived for almost a decade in Oklahoma.  The Hubs and I discovered a delightful bed and breakfast called Shiloh Morning Inn.  What sets this b&b apart from others is that it's not just a normal large house full of rooms, but they also have several cottages on the grounds, lending a privacy not found in sharing a large house with a bunch of people.  There's places to walk, tons of hot tubs, and their food is literally to die for.  Other than my friends, Shiloh Morning Inn is the thing I miss most about living in Oklahoma.

The idea of buying up all the rooms and cottages for a weekend and spending it with other bloggers is wonderful!  I'd love to do it on the weekend of Dewey's Readathon (maybe a Friday, Saturday and Sunday so we can talk prior and after Readathon).  It's seriously one of my favorite places on earth, and it would be amazing to share it with good friends, good books and good food.  

I guess it might be time to find a new favorite bed and breakfast here in the Virginia/Maryland/North Carolina area... but Shiloh and it's cottages and private hot tubs (located in screened in porch areas) seems pretty rare.

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  1. That sounds awesome. And I love how you had to point out that you would want it to be over Dewey's Readathon. :) I don't think I've ever been to a bed and breakfast. I usually stay at hotels or camp when I'm travelling.

  2. I've never been to a bed and breakfast and this sounds like a fabulous idea especially to do it over readathon.

  3. I've never heard of Shiloh Morning Inn, but it looks beautiful and sounds very relaxing! It would be so fun to have a book blogger retreat! We should totally try to do it sometime - maybe somewhere in the middle between Virgina and Oklahoma, like Nashville? One of these days...

  4. Shiloh sounds amazing and Oklahoma definitely misses you! The only bed and breakfast I've stayed at was that one in Guthrie back when we were just starting to become friends and I had only just met Aaron.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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