Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring's Serenity Readathon

This morning was the kick off of The True Book Addict's Spring's Serenity Readathon.  Sadly, I did not post because I may or may not have forgotten that it started until sometime this afternoon whilst scanning my Google Reader before work...

So, assuming that I did forget, let's just say I made sure I took my current read, The Girl in the Green Raincoat by Laura Lippman to work with me where I was able to finish it.  This was my first book by Lippman, and despite the fact that tGinGR is part of a series, I was able to let go of my OCDness over reading books in order and thoroughly enjoy this short little Rear Windowesque type book.  I will be checking out more of her books in the future!  And since I checked the book out from the local library, I foresee the awesome cover of this book someday gracing my shelves.  However, it won't be the library copy, as I've matured and am now able to return books mostly on time now.  Go, me!

Here are some other books I'm hoping to read during Spring Serenity's Readathon:

 I Don't Want To Kill You by Dan Wells (Kindle)
Books 3&4 of the Blackstone Chronicles by John Saul  4.26
Sweet Valley High #36 Last Chance by Francine Pascal
666: The Number of the Beast by lots of cool authors, mainly Christopher Pike
Murder is Binding by Lorna Barrett
Scott Pilgrim #6 by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Daughter of Darkness by V.C. Andrews
The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen 4.26
Juliet by Ann Fortier
The Girl in the Green Raincoat by Laura Lippman (not pictured because I already finished it and am too lazy to fish it out of my Return to Library Book Bag) 4.25

So that's the plan, but we'll have to see what life throws my way.  We're going to Oklahoma in early May, so there is much spring cleaning and various pre-vacation tasks to attend to.  And then there's always work.  And this book pile is by no means set in stone, I reserve the right to read any other of the many books screaming for my attention from my tbr piles. 

Not sure how much time I'll have tomorrow to do the challenges, but hopefully Wednesday will be give me time to catch up!

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  1. Welcome, Kate! So glad you're joining us. You've got a great list there. Hope you accomplish your reading goals and have fun!

  2. Hi, just wanted to let you know how much I love your blog. I have very similar reading tastes and you have inspired me to find more time to read and maybe even start my own blog one day! Thanks again!

  3. Michelle, I stayed up later than I should have last night with The Peach Keeper- but it was a great read!

    Jac- you should start your own blog! It's such a great way to meet fellow book lovers and I can guarantee you'd have a follower in me! :)

  4. YAY!! Oklahoma bound! You are brave to visit during what is technically tornado season. I hope you can find a break in the reading and other festivities to come over for dinner and see Holly House.

  5. Good luck! I like your list, and agree with you about Laura Lippman. I've only read one of her books, but have her on my list to read more. Have fun!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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