Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday Flashback!

Today, The Broke and the Bookish is hosting Top Ten Tuesday, but challenging bloggers to pick a past TTT to choose from.  So mine is:

Top Ten Books I'd Want On A Desert Island!
In no particular order-

1. The Bible- I have a feeling I'll be wanting to do some deep thinking and praying, praying that I remember all those survival techniques I learned from books and movies!

2. The India Fan by Victoria Holt- I've read this book so many times, it's just a comfort read.

3. The Stand by Stephen King- I'm gonna need some hefty tomes to get me through my long stay on a desert island.  Although knowing my luck, I'll pack 10 books and only get around to reading a few of them before the rescue ship arrives!

4.  The Complete Works of Shakespeare by William Shakespeare- this might be a bit of a cheat, but hey, I'm the one stuck on a desert island!

5.  It by Stephen King- because I honestly can't choose between this and the Stand, so why try?

6. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz- those who know me are probably wondering what took me so long to put this one on the list.  I almost chose the Top Ten Tuesday Literary Crushes, and of course Odd Thomas is on there.

7.  The Witching Hour by Anne Rice- I loved this book, there's lots of characters and things going on.  Hated the sequels though.

8.  A Tangled Web by L.M. Montgomery- mostly I'm just picking books that I have read over and over, and this is one of my favorites!

9. Battle Royale by Koushun Takami- for me it's the original Hunger Games, only a lot more bloody and a bit less character driven.  Still, kids killing kids in creative ways never really gets old, does it?

10.  The Final Friends Trilogy by Christopher Pike- okay, this is a total cheat, as the three books are not in one volume... yet.  But since they are reissuing a lot of Pikes books, slapping two together and giving it a fancy new title, than I figure by the time I get dropped off at the island, this book will be out.  I have lived with the characters of these books since middle school (a long, long, long time ago), I know Jessica, Michael, Bubba, Claire, Polly, Sarah, poor Alice, Maria, Bill and Nick better than I know most of my current friends.  And I love them (especially Bubba!).  So they have to come along.  Michael's a good guy to have in a disaster. :)

*I know, you're probably wondering where the Harry Potter love is, right?  Well, I plan on bringing my iPod, which has all 7 audiobooks always ready and waiting for a listen.  There was nothing in the rules that said I couldn't also bring my iPod!

What about you, what books are a must for you?

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  1. I think I'd have to go with some of the real chunky ones like 'War and Peace' and 'Wolf Hall.' I'd need to have a lot of time and no distractions to tackle those.

  2. "Although knowing my luck, I'll pack 10 books and only get around to reading a few of them before the rescue ship arrives!"

    LOL. That's great.

    I'd be about the big books too. The Bible and Shakespeare would both be on my list. Oh, and Harry Potter too. :D

  3. Stephen King, for sure.

    Here's my list:

  4. I picked this one too - picked mostly big chunksters that it would take me ages to get through and keep me occupied.

  5. I like you #9. "Still, kids killing kids in creative ways never really gets old, does it?" LOL so true. It's definitely a great movie, though I haven't gotten around to reading the book yet.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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