I am so glad I signed up for this challenge! So far I've finished Meet Your Match, Cupid Delaney (of course the only way that's scary is for teen girls freaking out that prom got cancelled) and Anna Dressed in Blood. Anna is awesome, by the way, and if I die and become a ghost I kind of hope I get to be all kick ass like Anna... only I don't want to die all violent, but the ripping people in half thing could come in handy...
I'm also currently re-reading The Night Circus (for book club) and Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour. I hope to start Envy today too, since I spreading The Night Circus out a bit. I have today off, so things look promising BUT our house is getting a new roof... which is loud, very loud. I will be leaving the house some today, for sure!
Onto the mini-challenges! This one is being hosted by
Oh, For the Hook of a Book!
Be prepared to be amazed by all the Stephen King books I own! Just saying, peeps. It's impressive. Although I will be surprised if I win this challenge, since there's so many other Stephen King loving bloggers participating and some of mine are duplicates.
Okay, let's start in the living room and then move into the office, shall we?
1. Black House*
2. Just After Sunset*
3. The Talisman (graphic novel #1)*
4. Everything's Eventual*
5. The Green Mile (hardback)*
6. Under the Dome*
7. Cycle of the Werewolf*
8. Wizard and Glass*
9. Song of Susannah*
10. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (pop-up book)*
11. The Bachman Books*
12. The Talisman*
13. Danse Macabre*
14. Eyes of the Dragon*
15. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (paperback)*
16. Nightmares & Dreamscapes*
17. Needful Things*
18.The Wastelands*
19. The Green Mile*
20. The Drawing of the Three*
21. Dreamcatcher*

22. Bag of Bones*
23. Thinner*
24. Four Past Midnight*
25. Needful Things (hardback)*
26. Nightmares & Dreamscapes (hardback)*
27. The Stand **
28. The Dark Tower*
29. The Regulators*
30. Lisey's Story*
31. From a Buick 8*
32. Duma Key*
33. Eyes of the Dragon (Hardcover) **
34. Wolves of the Calla*
35. Cell*
36. Four Past Midnight (hardback)*
37. Stephen King Collection (The Shining, 'Salem's Lot, Night Shift and Carrie)*
38. It (hardback) **
39. Desperation*
40. The Drawing of the Three (another paperback copy)*
41. The Gunslinger*

42. Storm of the Century*
43. Blaze*
44. Insomnia*
45. On Writing*
46. Stephen King Three Novels (Carrie, 'Salems Lot and The Shining)
On My Kindle
47. The Colorado Kid*
48. Full Dark, No Stars*
49. Mile 81*
50. Blockade Billy*
51. The Stand*
52. Cujo*
53. Under the Dome*
54. UR*
55. 11/22/63 *(I had the hardback version too, but it's been stolen by my family ;)
On Audio:
56. The Dark Half*
57. The Gingerbread Girl*
58. It*
59. The Mist*
At one time or another I've owned almost every Stephen King book, but between multiple moves across state and one house fire, this is what I'm left with. I think other than his book on baseball and Stephen King Goes to the Movies, I've read every book he's come out with. I'm surprised I don't have a copy of Dolores Claiborne though, that's one of my favorites. Time to start buying SK books again!