Sunday, April 8, 2012

4.8.12 Sundays In Bed With...

Good morning, blogger world!  Once again Sunday crept up on me, and it doesn't help that I've worked over 24 hours straight this weekend.  But I'm home, and my bed is calling my name, along with the book that I hope to finally get started today.

I'm spending my Sunday in bed with...

I've owned this book for a long time.  I discovered Kaleb back when he had a blog/vlog about a guy's take on reading Twilight.  His blog was clever and witty and he was in the process of getting this book published.  He was maybe 19 at the time, but he started writing the book when he was in high school.  So I picked up this book, and the sequel (which is on my Kindle) but I have yet to read either.  Today this fail ends!

Is there a book you're in bed with this Sunday?  If not, is there a book you would love nothing more than to snuggle under the covers and read the day away?  Either comment below, or better yet, post this meme with a picture of the book in your bed and link back here!

And Happy Easter/Passover/Sunday, that's my Funday!
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  1. Here's mine:

    I love finally getting to books that you've been meaning to read forever! I hope it's good!

    I... just realized that I have to leave for church in 5 minutes.... so I will comment on everyone when I return! (I'd comment now, but I should probably put some pants on.)

  2. What a cute photo!!! I just finished a book last night, so I'm hoping to curl up with another one from the library when I get back from family stuff later today. :)

  3. Your book sounds really interesting so I can't wait to hear if you liked it.
    Reading your post just reminds me that I have completely neglected all of my old tbr books! I have to get back on that if I'm going to complete my mountain challenge!

  4. That synopsis hardly tells you anything. I like it! The more mysterious the better. I now have 2 completely unrelated questions: 1 Have you read Helter Skelter? Is it seriously terrifying or just regular terrifying? My mom says it's really good and wants me to read it (I am still shocked that she read this book!). 2. How did you get the address stickers for your cards? I cannot figure this out to save my life.

  5. Sadly I didn't get stay in bed and read because we had a hockey tournament to go to but anyways :) I hope you enjoy the books. I have read them and loved them. Looking forward to hearing what you think of them.

  6. I looked that book up on Goodreads and it sounds interesting! I'll look forward to your review! And your cat is just so cute! Have fun reading today! Here's my Sundays in Bed With... post.

  7. I really want to read Kaleb's book. I feel like I know him after all he did with the Twilight books and his vlogs. I look forward to reading this book.
    Also I am a new follower: found your blog by way of googling about BEA, which I will also be going to this year for the first time. I'm very nervous and excited about it; it is almost all I can think about. If you want to get together while in the city, contact me... you can find my info on my website,


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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