Thursday, October 13, 2011

Book Blogger Hop 10.14-10.17

Book Blogger Hop
It's been a long time since I hopped!  I'm trying really hard to comment everyday on blogs (at least 10 comments per day), and of course the Hop is perfect for connecting with other bloggers and finding even more great book blogs to add to my overstuffed Google Reader! ;) Hop along at Crazy For Books

This week's question:

“What is your favorite spooky book (i.e. mystery/suspense, thriller, ghost story, etc.)?”
This should be an easy question, but not for me!  So I'm going to cheat a bit and give a couple of different answers:

Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
What don't I love about the Odd one?  He's become one of my all time favorite literary characters.  He see's dead people, but by gosh, he does something about it!  Although I love the series, the very first book is just magic.  Odd's voice, his personality, his sense of right and wrong, everything just drags me in.  His friends and family are wonderfully unique as he is.  I've lost count all the times I've talked about Odd Thomas on my blog, but there's a reason.  While Koontz is a hit or miss author for me, he won me as a fan for life when he breathed life into Odd.

It by Stephen King
I read It for the first time in while I was in the sixth grade and it wasn't even the first King book I'd read.  I have always fancied myself a fan of horror/scary stories, but It was really the first book that scared the crap out of me.  I wanted to be part of the Loser's Club, and when they descended into the sewers of Derry, I really was there with them.  I think King gets a lot of attention as a great horror writer, but he's just an incredibly great writer, period. It's not all about scariness or gore, he writes people so well.  I particularly love how he writes kids, he's just got an amazing talent. There are lots of King books that hold a special place in my heart, and maybe even a few like The Stand that I love more than It.  But It was my first real experience in getting lost completely in a book, and when the mini-series came out a few years later, I got to see it brought to life.  Subsequent re-reads (of which there has been many) always feature Tim Curry as Pennywise and Jonathan Bradis (RIP, Mr. Brandis) as Stuttering Bill.  "He thrusts his fists against the post and still insists he sees the ghost."  The moment Bill's little brother loses his paper boat to a storm drain and meets Pennywise, I dare you not to be terrified.

The best part of October for me is listening to scary stories while driving.  Here's a few of my favorites:

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson (currently I'm still listening to this one, but it's fantastic, although it holds a lot of humor!)

And of course, the first time I read Odd Thomas was in audio book format, and the narrator is perfect!
Pin It!


  1. I totally love your header pic and your design -I am now happy to be a follower of your blog and I am looking forward to your future posts-

  2. I'm looking at Name of the Star right now and dying to read it. I love Maureen Johnson, she always makes me laugh, and now I'm even more excited to read!

  3. It was almost my choice as well, but I chose two other books by the wonderful Mr. King! My hop: Mom Reads My Books

  4. I love It! (Although to be honest? I love clowns - This is one that didn't spoil it for me *lol* )

    I cannot wait to read The Name of the Star!! It looks like sucha great read!

  5. @mel u- thanks! Lori at Use Your Imagination Designs made it for me. :)

    @fakesteph- I love Maureen Johnson too, I kind of want to kidnap her and force her to be friends with me. I love how The Name of the Star can be both hilarious and creepy.

    @Amie- I saw your King selections (we probably were on each other's blog at the same time!) and agree. It's just so hard to pick one King book.

    @Jac- I'm impressed, I honestly don't know anyone that isn't creeped out by clowns, although serial killer John Wayne Gacy really didn't help the plight of clowns. And yes, The Name of the Star is a great read (or listen).

  6. Ohhh The Historian is a GREAT pick! I really need to re-read that sometime soon.

    Happy Blog Hop :-)

  7. Love Koontz and King too.
    My favorite King it IT - never really liked clowns after reading it.

    Here's my Friday Hop

  8. I loved the Historian and have been meaning to read The Name of the Star- great picks!

  9. When I thought over this question it was Koontz and King books I was trying to chose between.

    For me though, it was Phantoms by Dean Koontz and It by Stephen King.

    I ended up picking Phantoms but It could easly have been chose instead. I may need to try out Odd Thomas!

    My Blog Hopper Post is

  10. I used to read Dean Koontz years ago. Round about the same time I started reading Stephen King. I got a little bored with him though as I thought that a lot of his books had the same feel. I am going to read Odd Thomas though. I have looked at it and thought about it but your post has convinced me to try it.

    It was my first Stephen King book. I couldn't finish it the first time, it scared me that much. I had to go back to it again about 6 months later. Loved it though. I know what you mean about visualising the people who played the characters. I loved Jonathan Brandis as Bill and Tim Curry is always Pennywise.

    Loved The Historian too.

  11. Koontz is definitely at the top of the creepy list!! Love your blog header! here's my blog hop post:

  12. I haven't read It, but the part in the movie where the boy loses the boat down the storm drain is the reason why I don't like clowns.

    Happy Hopping! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. Nice choices! My husband recommended The Historian to me. I have it on my wishlist.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. I love that you love Odd as much as me! I haven't read IT but Stephen King is the ONLY author that has ever freaked me out before. I just don't get scared of stuff but Salem's Lot scared the crap out of me. The Historian was great too, and I have The Name of the Star on my TBR list.

  15. You know, I have never read any Stephen King. But...I do like him as The Cleaner on Sons of Anarchy! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  16. I tried IT but realised SK is just not for me, his writing is excessive. I knew his books would come up lots though.

    I'm a new follower, enjoyed looking through your blog.

  17. I use to read Dean Koontz ALL the time! I don't read him anymore though. I agree that The Historian is a pretty creepy book at times! Loved that book! I've heard The Name of the Star has some series creepiness too.

  18. I haven't read anything by Stephen King! He's a bit too scary for me. LOL! I just got The Name of the Star in the mail this week, and I can't wait to get started on it. :)

  19. Stephen King is such a famous author and I haven't even read one single book by him. I have to do that very soon!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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