Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Minding Frankie Review

Minding Frankie
by Maeve Binchy
From Goodreads:
Baby Frankie is born into an unusual family. Her mother is desperate to find someone to take care of her child and she doesn't have much time. Noel doesn't seem to be the most promising of fathers but despite everything, he could well be Frankie's best hope.

As for Lisa, she is prepared to give up everything for the man she loves; surely he's going to love her back?

And Moira is having none of it. She knows what's right, and has the power to change the course of Frankie's life ...but Moira is hiding secrets of her own.

MINDING FRANKIE is a story about unconventional families, relationships which aren't quite what they seem, and the child at the heart of everyone's lives ...
My Thoughts: Once again I fell in love with characters that Binchy has created, some were old loves like the Twins and Muttie and Declan, and some were new loves like Emily and Hat. The book was a wonderful read, breaking my heart one moment, making me hold my breath with anticipation over Frankie's fate, and finding quiet moments of love and friendship that soothed me. Overall it's a wonderful story, one that makes you want to pack your bags and move to Ireland.


My only problem with the book is that Moira disappears for quite a bit of it in the middle, and I don't feel that her storyline with Noel is fully resolved. And of course, a beloved character will no longer be gracing any future books, but Binchy handles the passing of the character with amazing emotion and respect. I cried and cried, and even though I went to bed far too late, and far too stuffed up from all that crying, I realized that even though I will mourn the character (because I'm dopey that way), what a gift Binchy has to make me care that much!

I'm already ready for my next Binchy novel, please!

Minding Frankie gets a Midnight Book Rating of:

Maeve Binchy is one of those authors that I can always count on to give me a great read, who are the authors you depend on when you need a guaranteed good book?
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  1. I can't believe I still haven't read this one yet! I didn't read the part of your blog that was "spoiler-ish" so all I can say is, I'm glad you liked it so much!

  2. I have heard so many good things about Meave Binchy's writing, but whenever I am in the mood for something along the lines of what she writes, I totally forget about her. That's terrible. Hopefully next time, I'll remember. Thanks for the review.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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