Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween and NaNoWriMo!

Happy Halloween!

I'm still sick- my cold turned into sinusitis but at least now I'm on some antibiotics so I hope to feel better soon.  Today's Halloween, so I'll spend tonight watching scary movies and munching on chocolate (diet is back on Tuesday morning!).  

And now for something completely Crazy:
find it here
Last night I dragged my sick butt (I originally typed sick little butt, but who am I kidding?) to the NaNoWriMo Kick Off Party at Capital Ale House.  This year the turn out was good, but not as big as the past two years that I've been going.  Also I was not my usual social butterfly self, but I did get one of the comfortable chairs and chatted the night away with book club/NaNoWriMo buddy, Susan.  Good times and good beer- even though I was very careful not to drink much because of my meds.  

So National Novel Writing Month kicks off November 1st, and for those of you that don't know it's basically a month of intense writing in order to churn out a novel, or to write at least 50 THOUSAND words in 30 days.  I "won" the challenge in 2009, but never finished the novel, and then I failed in 2010.  This year I'm trying something different- I'll be writing a collection of short stories that will be connected somewhat loosely.  I am determined to finish this year!

So determined in fact that I'm doing Fake Steph's Epic Write-A-Thon- 24 hours of writing on November 5th!  Now, straight up, there is no way I can write for 24 hours, but I'm going to really immerse myself in writing and shoot for at least 10k word count in one day since I know that there may be days that I can't meet my daily word count (personal goal will be 2000 words a day, but it's always easy to be optimistic in the beginning).  It's really important to get a head start in the beginning because it just gets harder once you start losing enthusiasm for the project and just start introducing new characters for the sole purpose of killing off and plumping up your word count. 

Despite being sick and Saturday being rainy and hella cold, I was able to help my niece and a few of her girl scout friends get zombie-fied for the Zombie Walk.  I wasn't able to actually do the walk, because it got pushed back to 4:30pm and I had a book club meeting to go to, but I did get dressed up and went to the pre-walk meet up in Byrd Park.  Here's a pic of my sister-in-law and our zombie girl scout troop:

Have a wonderful Halloween and let me know if you're doing NaNoWriMo this year!  Add me as a buddy if you are- I'm Rigby9091 on there!  
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  1. Stupid sinus infections! I think I have a low grade one pretty much all the time! Love the Girl Scout zombies. Have a Happy Halloween.

  2. Good luck on NaNo! I'm participating this year too!

  3. Good luck with NaNoWriMo! I look forward to reading about your progress.

  4. I can't believe you are signing up to do the Epic Write-A-Thon on the day that we were supposed to watch a movie together!!!

    Just kidding, I'm doing it too. I was always planning on doing it and I was just going to take a break whenever you called. My goal is to write 10K in my novel, but also 10 reviews for my blog. That way I'll have some blog posts ready to go during November.

  5. Hahahaha.... 10k... that sounds like a good goal. Maybe I'll shoot for that, too. I never thought of introducing characters just so you could kill them off and plump up the word count. Since my story is technically about a serial killer, I can totally do this!

  6. PS--I totally love the Nano Calendar.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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