Saturday, October 22, 2011

Readathon Hours 16-24

 We are in the home strech!

It's hard to believe I'm still awake, although I may nap soon in order to be fresh for my time of Cheerathon!

Books/Pages Read: None
Challenges Done: None
Blogs Visited: None
Snacks Consumed: Tried to take a quick nap, so snoozed whilst the Hubs brewed me some coffee!

Books/Pages Read: 51 pages of The Lover's Dictionary
Challenges Done: Re-read Challenge:
Weirdly enough, I'm not re-reading any books this go around (except maybe Scary Stories 3, because I can't remember if I read that before).  So what are my favorite Re-Reads?

(in no particular order)
The Final Friends series by Christopher Pike
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
The India Fan by Victoria Holt
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
It, The Stand, Eyes of the Dragon and most Stephen Kings novels but those 3 the most
The Idiot Girls Action Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro
The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

...and probably a million more.  I used to be the queen of re-reads, but since blogging the world of books has opened wide and I no longer have to re-read because I'm bored or in a reading rut because my tbr piles are so full of undiscovered wonders.  But some books, the ones on my list, will always call me back to them.  I can remember the first, second, ninth time I read them, they are connected to moments and memories of my life.  Books are familiar friends, the ones that makes us laugh or cry, the ones that hold us, the ones that like to yank the rug from beneath our feat, and the ones that call us home.

Blogs Visited:  None
Snacks Consumed: Just coffee

Now it's time to get my Cheer On!!!

Books/Pages Read: None, it turns out I can' really listen to audio books an cheer... at least I can't cheer properly and I owe it to the readathon participants to read their posts and not just copy and paste a cheer (well, I am copy and pasting cheers, but I'm prefacing them by a real comment, such as Wow, that cat is fluffy, or I don't think you should have eaten that!)
Challenges Done: None because I suck and I'm not doing this for charity... I should really do that next time because I'm feeling pretty shallow right now.  Of course I'm really only deep in the Jack Handy's Deep Thoughts kind of way, which is actually shallow too....
Blogs Visited: A bunch of blogs for bloggers who names start with M!
Snacks Consumed: Käsekuchen, which is some awesome form of German cheesecake I picked up last night at Octoberfest.  And coffee!

Books/Pages Read: Still Cheering!
Challenges Done: Still Cheering!
Blogs Visited: Still on the M's, but I'm finally done with the Michelle's so it should go faster!
Snacks Consumed: the rest my slice of german cheesecake and the rest of my cup of coffee and some water

Books/Pages Read: None, Spent the hour cheering!
Challenges Done: Coming up with witty rhymes to keep the readathon fun times!
Blogs Visited: Finished the M's and breezed through the N, O, P's!!
Snacks Consumed: Just some water, all my snacking is giving me acid reflux!  Time to take a quick nap so I can be back on the readathon attack!

Books/Pages Read: 72 pages of The Lover's Dictionary (finished)
Challenges Done: None
Blogs Visited: None
Snacks Consumed: An allergy pill (allegedly non-drowsy). I probably could have stayed awake, but thought I'd be better if I took a half hour nap and woke up at 5am...

Books/Pages Read: But
Challenges Done: I
Blogs Visited: Slept
Snacks Consumed: Though the 5am hour....

Books/Pages Read: Waking
Challenges Done: Just
Blogs Visited: Minutes
Snacks Consumed: before 7am (so most of 6am, asleep!)

 Books/Pages Read: 90 pages of Scary Godmother
Challenges Done: End of Event Meme:
  1. Which hour was most daunting for you? Hour 22 and 23, in which I slept!
  2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? The Lover's Dictionary was fantastic!  And I really enjoyed both the second volume of the Twilight graphic novel and Shel Silverstein poetry (I read Every Thing On It, but all his books would be good). 
  3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?  Other than sending  cheerleaders to my house to keep me awake in the wee hours?  Nope, Readathon is perfect!
  4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?  I really thought the Cheerleading was well organized, and all the Readathon hosts were right on time. 
  5. How many books did you read? I think I finished 6, but read a bit out of 3 others.  My pile has scattered, so I will check it out later.
  6. What were the names of the books you read? I will fill this out when I am less sleepy.
  7. Which book did you enjoy most? Toss up between Every Thing On It (which made me laugh and read things out loud to my Hubs) and The Lover's Dictionary (not all the parts made me laugh, but I did want to read so much of it out loud!)
  8. Which did you enjoy least? I guess Who Killed Mr. Chippendale?  I was expecting a bit more from it.
  9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders? Just prepare cheers ahead and try really hard to leave a personal comment before cheering, so that you're not just copying and pasting as you blog hop.
  10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?  I live for Readathon, so yes I will participate, even if you ban me.  I will definitely be a cheerleader and reader next time, and maybe a challenge host again.  
And the Posterity Library Challenge over at Roof Beam Reader (quite the clever challenge!)
And Fancy Terrible's Get Up Offa That Thang- perfect early morning wake-up challenge!
Blogs Visited: None, but I will try to visit a bunch when I wake up!
Snacks Consumed: Nuts, coffee is busy warming up~, half of a very large cup!
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  1. Omg! I can't believe I forgot about Harry Potter when I did the rereading challenge. I guess that's what happens when you are tired and too lazy to get off the couch and look at your bookshelf.

  2. The Idiot Girls Action Adventure Club is one of my favorites. But I'm terrible at rereading books!

  3. I would just like to state that I LOVE your banner! It's so halloween-ish and really is so atmospheric! It reminds me of Neil Gaiman's Coraline.

  4. No wonder you were so motivated to read. Fantastic snacks you got there. Hehe
    Hi, Kate. Please hop on to twitter if you want to chill out a bit. Just use the hash tags #readathon and/or #cheergolden. A lot of people are chatting on there just waiting for the final bell to ring. :)

  5. I'm glad you had a good readathon! Yay!

  6. Your snacks look great! I'm totally going to try napping next time.

  7. Thanks so much for cheering. It really is so encouraging!

    BTW, I love the graphics on your blog!

  8. You made it to the end! Congratulations!! Hope you had lots of fun! :)

    And big compliments for the mini-challenge! I loved it!!

  9. I am uber-impressed that you stayed up for that many hours. I was dying by hour 18.

    Also, thank you for leaving me so many awesome comments and cheers. They were great to see, and really gave me energy.

    Yeah Read-a-thon!

  10. Wow 6 books, that's great, good job at the readathon


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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