Thursday, October 4, 2012

FF: What Are Your Blog Goals?

Okay, this may be a bit early, since it's only Thursday night, but call me Butter because I'm on a roll!  Feature & Follow is hosted by the lovely bloggers Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read, and today they are featuring Angela's Anxious Life, and inquiring minds want to know:

Q: What do you hope to accomplish with your blog? Is it to one day become an author yourself, just for fun, maybe get some online attention, or maybe something very different?

I blog for one reason only, Total World Domination, and nothing short of that will do.   Just joking, I will totally settle for meeting lovely bookish people, talking about books, and having fun.  If you took away all the arcs (which I don't get a lot of, most of mine come from an arc tour I participate in- where generous bloggers who are awesome and get sent arcs share them with all of us who don't, and BEA) and even if you take my Feedburner stats away (again! Yes, Google, I am glaring at you now), I'd still do this.  I've always been a reader, but finding books to read used to seem like a hard thing to do.  Blogging has blown that door wide open, and now it's hard to find the time to read all the books I want to!  So that's why I do this, for the love of books, and it's just a great way to turn a previously solitary hobby into something that connects me with all of you. Getting to visit all your blogs and poke through your bookshelves online without getting hit with breaking and entering charges or restraining orders is also a major plus!

And because if I blog enough, I'm hoping to build up the karma to earn this:

As always, if you follow me (and you should, because I need an audience to blog to because otherwise I won't build up all the karma necessary to get the above item), let me know, and I'll return the favor.

AND, this month my awesome blogger friends and I are hosting Bloggers Dressed In Blood and we are giving away lots of awesome books AND a Kindle Touch, because we are cool like that and October is the bestest month of the year.  So check it out.

Also, it's Banned Book Week, so go read something that will make people nervous!

Pin It!


  1. I've read so many books this year that I probably wouldn't have even heard about if I hadn't started blogging. I love having a never-ending TBR list, too.

    Old follower. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. LOL! I totally heard an evil villain laugh after, "TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION". Hee hee.

    Oh, and I'd really like that little reading dome too!

  3. Hopping through. Oh wow, I'd love to have a bookshelf like that. Maybe after 10 years of blogging.
    My Hop

  4. Lol! I love the answer. That bookshelf is so badass. I want one.

    New follower here. :)

    My FF @ Her Fiction Fix

  5. You have one awesome dream. That bookshelf is amazing!! Never seen anything like it.
    Your answer to the question - I couldn't agree more. Since blogging I have discovered so many amazing books.

    New Follower!

    If you would like to return the favor, come visit me @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  6. Oh. My. God. I want one of those bookshelves and I want to live in there for ever and ever and only come out for snacks. K? K. I can't imagine NOT being immersed in the book blogging world in some way now, whether as a blogger or even just as a devoted stalker. Once you've met all these people and discovered all the fun memes and brilliant reviews, it must be hard to let it go!

  7. W.O.W. I'd curl up and live there if I had a bookshelf like that... *new follower*

    My FF

    Keely @ Realms of an Open Mind

  8. In 8th grade I literally wanted to grow up to be a dictator... so this is why we're friends.

  9. That might be the most awesome bookshelf ever. I want it. LMAO.

    World domination FTW Pinky and the Brain. ;)

    Old Follower! My FF @ Pink Fluffy Hearts

  10. Great answer! I LOL-ed at the world domination bit and that bookshelf was EPIC WIN :)

    New GFC Follower!

    Here's my FFF

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  11. OMG, I have a new life goal and it is that bookish cubby hole. WANT.

  12. lmao! oh I'm so following you! great answers!
    -Novel Reveries

  13. Haha, you are too funny! I totally agree: "meeting lovely bookish people, talking about books, and having fun." are the best reasons to blog about books.

    New follower :)

    Here's my Friday Hop

  14. LOL, I love the bookshelves how cool is that. I have met so many great people since starting my blog. It's been so much fun.

    My FF

  15. Old follower i'm totally stealing your reading nock hahaha hopping through.

  16. That. Is. An. Awesome. Shelf!

    New follower.

    Click HERE for my FF.

    Louisse @ The Soul Sisters

  17. With all of the people you have forced into starting blogs, I think Total World Domination is entirely feasible for you.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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