Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Stories

I'm hoping that everyone is okay this morning!  Richmond, VA did not get hit that hard by the wind and rain, but I know that some off you did.  Come share your Hurricane Sandy stories, and let us know you're okay!
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  1. Okay, so I'm in England and nowhere NEAR the danger zone, but I just had to say - that map is absolute GENIUS! Hope everyone in the path of the storm is okay and coping with whatever Bad Sandy's sent their way...

  2. I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am that Sandy didn't really hit us. The pictures are so bad (though there are quite a few fake ones and I think the people putting those out are lame). All that flooding and damage is crazy and hope that everyone up there is ok!

  3. I am so gratefull that we got spared but we did get some high winds and its windy here today with rain off and on today and the rest of the week. The high winds were pretty scary last night. We didn't loose power but there was places that did.

    I agree with Kim so of those fake pictures were lame and you could tell they were fake but people were still sharing them.

    Happy you guys are safe and sound.

  4. My heart goes out to those in West Virginia! I can't imagine getting hit with a hurricane followed by a blizzard!!! That is so crazy! All those people with out power must be freezing! It's awful, the whole thing is just awful. But I am overwhelmingly grateful that my Virginia friends are safe and sound!

  5. I've got plenty of bottled water, non-perishable foods, etc. I did all my laundry, cleaned up the house a bit and ran errands for nothin'. :)

  6. Hi!
    I also live in the Richmond area, so relieved rain and a little wind was all we go. AND grateful my power didn't go out. So sad for the people who did get hit hard.

  7. Work was cancelled and I did a TON of homework. Can't wait to go to work tomorrow so that I get a break!


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