Thursday, October 18, 2012

'Salem's Lot Readalong Discussion Part 1

Sorry this is up so late folks, but I've been busy the last couple of days- October is my busy month!  So now that we're half way through 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King, I thought we'd take a moment to answer some questions.  Here we go!

 Oct. 18th:  Chapters 1-8 Discussion. 
Also, let me know below in comments if ya'll are up for a Twitter discussion tonight! 

1 .Why did King put the end of the story in the prologue?  Does it make a difference knowing that Ben and Mark survive?

2. Who is your favorite character so far?

3.  Do you think Ben really saw the ghost of Marsten when he was a kid?

4.  Do you think it's a coincidence that Ben shows up in town the same time as Barlow and Straker?

5. Consider the town or city you live in.  Do you think a similar vampire infestation could begin where you live?

6. What do you think will happen in the second half of the book (if this is your first time reading 'Salem's Lot)?

7. What moment has scared you the most?

My answers:

1 .Why did King put the end of the story in the prologue?  Does it make a difference knowing that Ben and Mark survive?
 In some ways I like it, I know no matter how bad things get, Ben and Mark survive it.  At the same time, as the story unfolds and I meet the rest of 'Salem's Lot, I can't help but be sad at their fate. Overall though, I do like the way it started.  Otherwise I think this could be too intense of a read.

2. Who is your favorite character so far?
I've always liked Mark, but this time around I'm really enjoying Matt the English teacher.  I kind of flip flop with Ben- what I like most about him tends to be the people he attracts to him.

3.  Do you think Ben really saw the ghost of Marsten when he was a kid?
You know, I think if you had asked me back when I first read this story I would have said no.  Now?  Yes, I think he did.  I think he needed to.  Partly, because I just finished a re-read of It, and the way that Ben, Mark, Matt, Susan, Jimmy and Father Callahan are being drawn together feels a bit like the Loser's Club connecting. I think Ben's ability to believe Matt's story is critical to the story.

4.  Do you think it's a coincidence that Ben shows up in town the same time as Barlow and Straker?
No!  If Barlow and Straker represent evil, then Ben and his friends represent good.  Maybe it's not always Mother Abigail speaking to you in your dreams (The Stand), and maybe God's not speaking from a burning bush, but I think the force of good drew Ben back to the Lot.  But then... you have to wonder if that same force took out his wife in order to get him in the right state to come home... and this kind of theological thinking is making my headache so I shall stop.

5. Consider the town or city you live in.  Do you think a similar vampire infestation could begin where you live?
I guess it could happen anywhere, but the city I live in is rather large and spread out.  Could it have happened in the smaller Pennsylvania town I lived in during high school?  Yes, I think so.  Especially during the winter months, when the snow can really cut the town off from the rest of the world.  Phew, it's a good think I escaped!

6. What do you think will happen in the second half of the book (if this is your first time reading 'Salem's Lot)?
I've already read it, although it's been years since the last time, so I know a bit of what's coming even though the details are a bit shaky. Also, I've already kept reading so I know what happens in the next few chapters! ;)

7. What moment has scared you the most?
Without a doubt, the moment when Matt goes upstairs to the guest bedroom.  The tension, the bravery, everything about that moment had my heart beating furiously!  I loved that he had Susan continue to talk downstairs (I must remember to use that ploy someday, also I should practice carrying on a one-way conversation because let's face it, I'd be far less likely to be the one checking on that strange noise upstairs). 
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  1. I hope I can catch up! I was looking forward to a reread, but this month has been crazy. I'll try to post my answers with part II. :)

  2. I'm sorry I'm not reading, but as you know October is absolutely exploding! It makes me curious though about putting the ending in the prologue, that's definitely different!

  3. I want to read this one again! My favorite part was when Matt goes to check out the noise upstairs too! Scared the crap out of me.

  4. Ha! It seems October is a crazy month for everyone. I too got discombobulated last week and 4got this was going up. I have read it before though, so I have that going for me. I love your answers. Especially, how you feel that it is not a coincidence that Ben came to Salem's Lot.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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