Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Readathon Book Piles! Bring it!

 Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon is this Saturday!  I am so excited!!  I tell this story every readathon, but I would not be a book blogger if it weren't for Dewey's event, I'm just sad that I didn't start blogging until after Dewey had passed away.  I am so glad that I am a part of her legacy though.  This will be my 7th time participating in Dewey's Readathon!  This time around I get to do Readathon with 3 other book bloggers!  Kim from On The Wings Of Books is hosting at her house, Steph from The Fake Steph will be joining us for our 2nd official Readathon (unofficially our 3rd) and our friend and newbie book blogger, Katie from KT's Reading Rainbow will be doing her first ever Readathon!!

I'll be cheerleading again, which is always a blast!  Please though, I beg you, turn off CAPTCHA and comment approval, at least for 24 hours!  If you aren't sure what I'm talking about by CAPTCHA (word verification), just leave me a link to your blog and I'll tell you if you have it on your blog or not. ;)  Trust me, it'll attract a lot more comments and cheers if you make it easy for everyone to stop by!

And now for my favorite part or pre-Readathon prep: Building the pile o'books!!  This may surprise some of you that expected me to say that my favorite part of Readathon was the snack prep, and I am by no means underestimating my love of binging during Readathon (really, Kim, perhaps building a vomitorium would mean more brownies and Coke, and less healthy shiz?), but it is the piles of books that bring this chick to the yard.  Ohh...milkshakes...
Here's my Pile O'Books:

Top to Bottom:
Pies and Prejudice by Ellery Adams
Halloween Night by R.L. Stine
The Innocents by Lili Peloquin
The Forrest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Seed by Ania Ahlhorn
Soulless Vol. 1 (manga) by Gail Carriger
Dollhouse: Epitaphs (graphic novel) by Joss Whedon
Dr. Horrible and Other Horrible Stories by Joss Whedon and Co.
The Walking Dead Vol. 2 Miles Behind Us by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard
A Game of Thrones: A Graphic Novel Vol. 1 by George R.R. Martin
and LOTS of books on my Kindle
also I'll probably have an audio book or two to listen to while I cheer.

Lots of graphic novels this time around, but I personally get discouraged if I can't check off a book from my pile early on.  That's what works for me. 

So what books are on your Readathon Pile?  Add your post to the linky below, and be sure to check out what everyone is reading this Saturday!

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  1. This will be my first readathon, and I'm jumping in with less than a week's notice. I think I'm going to mix together some books I started but haven't finished this year with some new books. Most of the books I've partially read will probably only take an hour or two to finish. The new books will likely be a short Michael Chabon option TBD, a sci-fi pulp novel or two, and perhaps even my first entry into (*gasp!*) Harry Potter. More details to come at thegeekygay.posterous.com!

    1. Our friend Katie, who will be doing her first readathon, is fairly new to the wonderful world of Harry Potter too! Hope you have a blast at readathon, I'll stop by and leave you a cheer!

  2. Have a great time!!! I will be cheering you on as well even though I won't be participating.

    GREAT idea to turn off the Word Verification....that is quite annoying.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. I actually plan for readathon several months in advance- my bosses know not to schedule me to work during that weekend in April and October! Sorry that you won't be participating, but I really appreciate the cheers! ;)

  3. I've got 4 books to get through, 2 for blog tours, 2 for Bloggers Dressed In Blood... however... I may have to borrow your graphic novels!

    1. Pictures, Stephanie! I need pictures! And of course you can borrow some graphic novels!

  4. I love this post! I don't have all of my books yet for the read-a-thon. I'm waiting for the library to open! ;-) I'm the same way during the beginning of the event; I need a short book to finish and keep me going.

    1. Thanks, Vasily ! I await you pile of books with great anticipation! ;)

  5. Yay! I'll be reading too. Not sure what I'll be reading but it's not like I don't have a lot to choose from.

    1. I know, right?! I have so many unread books on my Kindle... it should be a crime!

  6. Okay, how fast do you people read? In 24 hours, I can maybe do 2 books...I think. Am I just a slow reader?

    1. Oh, Katie. Katie, it's not about being realistic! It's about putting together a pile of books, and seeing what magic happens during readathon! Even if you read just one book, it's nice to see the pile of promise! And I'm not a fast reader (which is why I have so many short books and graphic novels), so don't worry! Kim is a fast reader, but Steph and I read much slower, so you'll be in good company!

    2. Oh good. I thought I was going crazy for a second there. :)

  7. Looks like an awesome stack! I wish I was going to be able to take part!

    1. Ah, I wish you were too! It's so much fun, especially now that a group of us get together! I know some Texas bloggers actually rent a really nice hotel room (with a pool and the works!), so maybe I'll try to do that someday for a bunch of Virginia bloggers- have a reading retreat!

  8. I wish I could participate. I have to work, though. :( I couldn't help but notice that Kim has Odd Thomas on her list but it's a second choice...you should give her a hard time for me. ;)

    1. Work sucks! My company is good about my requests for time off- and they know about my Readathon habits!

      And I gave Kim that book! And she is planning on reading it, but she's a much more scheduled reader than I am, she has promised to get to it before the end of the year though!

  9. So I went to add my link to my pile o books (Thank you! I'm not a very good linker, but I'm working on it) and I see that I didn't leave a comment even though I swore I did!

    I have made note of your request for no healthy shiz so... I have chips, cokes and brownies.

    I will maybe consider giving the Soulless graphic novel a try, but it will depend on if I'm able to read the other books.

    I will keep my promise and I will read Odd Thomas by the end of the year, I'm thinking beginning of November after all the crazy of October dies down. :)

  10. Okeydokey, I'm signed up I think? We will figure it out on Saturday if I screwed something up. :)

  11. YAY FOR READATHON!!! You may have to save Dollhouse and Dr Horrible for me for April! I hope you like them. I hope that they are funny! I feel like they should be funny and if for some reason they didn't have that Whedon humor in them I would be sorely disappointed.

  12. I'm so excited! Thanks to whoever (whomever?) linked me! :D
    Love your book pile! I still need to read Soulless and The Forest of Hands and Teeth myself! One of these days! You guys have fun, and eat a brownie for me! :D

  13. Looks like you have a good stack of books there. I admire your ability to do the read-a-thon with other people. My fear is that doing it with others might be too much of a distraction. Though I can't not be social so its a great thing to have twitter to interact with when I need a reading break =)

    Good luck with the read-a-thon! See you on the interwebs on Saturday.

  14. Great stack! I want to read all the graphic novels you have. :)

  15. An R.L. Stine book in the pile! Nice! Have you seen my list? http://www.thetoweringpile.com/p/rl-stine-books.html

    I haven't taken a picture of my pile yet, so it'll go up at the start of the read-a-thon tomorrow morning. I'll be here cheering you on, too! :)

  16. I also just noticed that you have Dr. Horrible and Other Horrible Stories on there. I'll also be reading that one tomorrow!

  17. Oh this reminds me that I have "The Forest of Hands and Teeth" in e-book format somewhere that I never got to. So that can go on the "well if I hate everything I am reading pile"

    I also realize that I am being highly optimistic about how much I will be able to read.


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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