Saturday, October 27, 2012

What Scares You?

So for my Saturday feature for Bloggers Dressed In Blood, I thought we'd discuss things that scare the bookworm out of us!  So, here's some things that scare me:

1. Right now, Frankenstorm or Hurricane Sandy, although honestly I'm not sure they're the same thing-either way, I'm scared!.  I live in Virginia and as some of you know, my mother lives with us.  She's on oxygen 24/7 so while we do have back up oxygen, I'm still worried about the prospect of being without power for more than a day.  Fortunately we have a large family, so I'm hoping that if we do lose power, some of our relatives won't. Plus, I have to go grocery shopping today, and that scares me, because I know it's going to be a crazy nightmare!  Also, I don't want Halloween to be ruined.  Sandy, you are scaring the crap out of me!

2. Mirrors, late at night and in unlit rooms.  This may seem silly, but mirrors scare me at night.  Because I start thinking of the Bloody Mary legend, and then I worry that even thinking her name will bring her.  I am a rational adult, I don't even really believe in ghosts!  But still, mirrors at night freak my shiz out.

3. Bees.  I am not deathly allergic, and I know it doesn't even hurt that bad to be stung, but if you want to see me in a real panic, just have one of those bad boys buzz past my head.

4. Dying before a certain book comes out.  Of course, the longer I live the more the book changes- it used to be the Harry Potter series, and right now it's the conclusion of the Odd Thomas series.  And the George R.R. Martin books.  And any Stephen King novels about to come out, Christopher Pike books, etc.  I am the same way about movies.  While I have no doubt God has a pretty amazing library, I'm not so sure he'll carry the latest Tarantino movies.

5. Scary movies.  This may come as a surprise to most of you, because I love horror.  And I do, I love it.  But watching horror movies, especially by myself, scares me.  I have been known to hit the mute button while watching, or fast forwarding during the really tense "search of the attic, basement, insane asylum, etc", just to get the "gotcha" moment over with, but I only do this when I'm watching by myself.  And unfortunately fast forwarding through Netflix is a pain in the rear, so mostly I just hit mute.

What scares you?   

If you want, blog a post about it, which would qualify you for our awesome Bloggers Dressed in Blood giveaway- just add you link below!  Check out this post to see what you can win (it's pretty epic and not the least scary... well, except for the books!).

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  1. Hi!
    I live in Virginia too! I'm not really all that concerned about the storm, only about the power going out! Although I am frightened to venture out to the grocery store..who knows what kind of maniacs will be there :) Mirrors in a dark room also spook me out too.

  2. That was fun! I love learning what scares other people. I must say I never thought about it before but if I died before the rest of the Odd Thomas books came out I'd haunt someone for sure!

  3. Frankestorm is kind of scary, mostly because they STILL don't know what's going on. It's driving me nuts!

    The only book series I worried about dying before finishing was HP.

    I'm unreasonably terrified of bees as well, I've never even been stung before.

    The Ring girl crawling from the TV... shudder.

    I'm scared of Earthquakes, pretty much all bugs, and pretty much all scary movies.

  4. What a great post Kate! The only thing that really paralyses me with fear is being buried alive! If I die before any of my favorite books come out I would just read over the shoulders of the people I'm haunting! And you are first on my list because I know how good your library is!

  5. oh man! i can't believe i left The Ring off my list!


Leave a comment, you know you want to! Here's hoping that your next book is a Midnight Read!

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